Tuesday, 4 Feb 2025

World News

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Lottery winner ‘held hostage’ from winnings over little-known law

Bookmark Never miss any of the fun stuff. Get the biggest stories and wackiest takes from the Daily Star, including our special WTF Wednesday email Thank you for subscribing! Never miss any of the fun stuff. Get the biggest stories and wackiest takes from the Daily Star, including our special WTF Wednesday email We have […]

Emily Maitlis reveals she never set out to destroy Prince Andrew

Emily Maitlis reveals she never set out to destroy Prince Andrew but is ‘proud’ of her infamous Newsnight interview which saw the Duke of York step away from royal duties Maitlis knew she had to do an interview ‘that would hold up in a court of law’ BBC presenter Emily Maitlis insists she never set […]

Moment road vigilante Cycling Mikey driver 'with laughing gas'

Moment road vigilante Cycling Mikey confronts Mercedes driver appearing to inhale laughing gas ‘and using his phone’ at the wheel This is the shocking moment a road safety vigilante filmed a man inhaling on a balloon and ‘using his phone’ while driving through London.   Mike van Erp, 50, better known by his YouTube name CyclingMikey, […]

Our town lost faith in police so we’re hiring our own law enforcement to patrol streets – but there’s a serious issue | The Sun

A TOWN has lost so much faith in its police force it's hired its own law enforcement squad to patrol the streets. Hertsmere Borough Council, in Hertfordshire, will end its funding for police community support officers next year. The council, responsible for an area with a 107,000-population, is currently contributing £130,700 each year to Hertfordshire […]

Rishi Sunak to keep using chopper as he’s too special to get train like us

Rishi Sunak has called on critics to stop bashing his chopper. The defiant PM defended repeated use of helicopters and planes for short journeys across Britain as the “most efficient use of my time”. It came after fury over his latest trip to Scotland to announce more North Sea oil and gas extraction despite green […]

Solicitors' watchdog shuts three legal firms after Mail exposé

EXCLUSIVE – Shut down: Solicitors’ watchdog dramatically closes three legal firms caught offering to submit false asylum claims for thousands of pounds following Mail exposé Rishi Sunak and Lord Chancellor said ‘appalling’ conduct must be sanctioned Solicitors Regulation Authority has taken ‘urgent action’ following the exposé The solicitors’ watchdog today dramatically closed three firms exposed […]