Monday, 17 Jun 2024

World News

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New 'no fault divorce' comes into force from TOMORROW

The ‘no fault divorce’ comes into force TOMORROW for couples who want to split amicably – but experts warn new legal separations which can be filed by just ONE partner, without a reason – are difficult to oppose New ‘no-fault’ legislation will come into force in England and Wales Wednesday Couples will be able to […]

Elias’ brother Ezekiel blasts Kevin Owens for getting knocked out by Stone Cold

After months out on the cold, Elias made a bizarre return to WWE Raw with a whole new getup. Making a shock appearance, Elias crashed Kevin Owens’ conversation about his loss to ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, appearing in the ring freshly shaved and sporting a new name. Introducing himself as Ezekiel, he said he was […]

Cut public transport fares, urges state’s top infrastructure adviser

Victoria’s independent infrastructure adviser has called for lower public transport fares, amid warnings there is no longer any space for new roads near the city. Infrastructure Victoria chief executive Jonathan Spear told The Age Infrastructure Summit the state government could make Melbourne’s transport network much more efficient without the need to keep “building things”. Reduced […]

Shocking moment ute smashes into a fence and collides with family home

Heart-stopping moment a speeding ute loses control and slams into a family’s home before the female driver is held back by shocked onlookers as she tries to flee the scene Dramatic dash cam footage reveals moment ute smashes into two-story home  Vehicle came careening down a hill before crashing into the property’s fence Witnesses to […]

Channel 4 will be sold off by the Government for at least £1billion

BREAKING: Channel 4 will be sold off by the Government for at least £1billion before the next election A spokesperson for Channel 4 said that it was ‘disappointed’ with the decision But added they would ‘continue to engage’ with the Government on the process This would ‘ensure it continues to play a unique part in […]

US and Netherlands authorities intercepted 8,000 pounds on cocaine

High Seas: US and Netherlands authorities intercept 8,500 pounds of cocaine worth $245m and arrest 13 drug smugglers during 45-day sting operation in the Caribbean Sea At least 8,500 pounds of cocaine were seized during 45 days of patrol of the Caribbean Sea, according to the United States Coast Guard The shipments are worth approximately […]

Grief-stricken Ukrainian mother weeps over grave she dug for son

Grief-stricken Ukrainian mother weeps over grave she dug for son killed by Russians and a wife finds her husband’s mutilated body in a basement as harrowing details of atrocities emerge in Bucha **WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT**  Oleksei Kostenko, 27, was killed last month by Russian soldiers near his home His mother Iryna Kostenko had to flee their […]

Bodies in Ukraine streets lead to more outage with Russia – The Denver Post

By OLEKSANDR STASHEVSKYI and NEBI QENA BUCHA, Ukraine (AP) — Moscow faced a new wave of revulsion and accusations of war crimes Monday after the Russian pullout from the outskirts of Kyiv revealed streets strewn with corpses of what appeared to be civilians, some seemingly killed deliberately at close range. The images of battered bodies […]

Inside Stone Cold Steve Austin’s crazy net worth after Vince McMahon match

Stone Cold Steve Austin made his return to the WWE and renewed an old rivalry with Vince McMahon. The fight, with Steve now 57 and Vince 76, became lightly mocked for the 'worst stunner ever', a reference to some dodgy workmanship when approaching a classic wrestling move. Steve became known for the stunner but was […]