Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

World News

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Vancouver hit-and-run sends elderly woman to hospital

A woman in her 70s has been sent to hospital after getting hit by a car that fled the scene in South Vancouver on Sunday, police say. Vancouver police said the hit-and-run happened just before 1 p.m. while the woman was crossing S.E. Marine Drive at Victoria Drive. The woman was in a marked crosswalk […]

Fears of more violence as Palestinians protest in Gaza

Israel attempting to drag unarmed protests near Gaza Strip’s eastern border into military escalation, Palestinians say. Palestinians have staged protests along the Gaza Strip’s eastern borders for the second Friday in a row, despite Israel’s warning that it will not change its open-fire policy. The first protests on March 30, dubbed the Great March of Return, saw […]

IMF warns of economic downturn

The IMF warns that risky financial assets and stock markets have surged once again and could crash with devastating consequences. Bankers and finance ministers from the IMF’s 189 member countries are meeting in Washington, DC on the 10th anniversary of the global financial crisis. The IMF warns that risky financial assets and stock markets have […]

Mexicans protest 'epidemic' of forced disappearances

Demonstrators across the country call on authorities to bring justice for the 15,000 missing young people in Mexico. Demonstrators in Mexico City and Guadalajara took to the streets in a march against widespread disappearances in Mexico, which groups say have reached epidemic proportions. Carrying signs with slogans like “Where is the justice?”, thousands marched in […]

Prisoner's Day: Thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails

Since Israel began its military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, it has imprisoned more than 800,000 Palestinians. Palestinians are marking Prisoners’ Day – showing their solidarity with thousands of Palestinians being held in Israeli jails. There are more than 6,500 Palestinians – including 350 children and more than 60 women – […]

Kuala Lumpur police: Killing of al-Batsh an 'international issue'

Malaysia deputy PM says suspects in killing of Fadi al-Batsh believed to be Europeans with links to foreign spy agency. Kuala Lumpur’s chief of police says the killing of a Palestinian academic in the Malaysian capital is an “international issue” that is being investigated from all angles. Malaysian authorities said an autopsy was carried out […]

North Korea suspends nuclear and missile tests

Leader Kim Jong-un also announces the shutting down of nuclear test site, before next week’s inter-Korean talks. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has announced that his country will suspend nuclear and missile tests immediately, according to state media. The announcement on Saturday came amid increasingly decreasing tensions on the Korean Peninsula in advance of a […]

Customers to get refunds of £8 every day their broadband is down

Broadband customers will get refunds of £8 every day their service is down under new rules now coming into effect Broadband providers to pay £8 every day an internet connection is not repaired Britain’s biggest service providers agree to give customers cash back for delays They will pay the compensation if service is not fixed within two […]

Palestinian shot by sniper in viral video speaks out

He insists he was in no way a security threat and the shooting was unprovoked. The Palestinian – who says he’s the man shown being shot by an Israeli sniper in a video that emerged this week – insists he was in no way a security threat or a legitimate target. Tamer Abu Daka was […]

Facebook's Zuckerberg grilled harder during second hearing

CEO of Facebook admitted his profile was also among the data exposed in the Cambridge Analytica leak. In his second hearing on Capitol Hill to provide answers following revelations of a massive data privacy breach, Mark Zuckerberg faced tougher questions from US Congress regarding the social media giant’s policies. The Facebook CEO was also grilled about user privacy, data collection, […]