Monday, 30 Sep 2024

World News

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'It's going to be OK one day': Syrian asylum seeker in KL airport

The Syrian asylum seeker, who’s been stuck in Kuala Lumpur airport for more than a month, has received a swell of support from strangers on social media. Hassan al-Kontar, a Syrian asylum seeker, is trying to get a message to his family that he’s still looking for a country that will take him in. His […]

DRC: Fresh Ebola outbreak kills two in Equateur Province

Democratic Republic of Congo confirms Ebola outbreak less than a year after it was declared free of the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday that it was taking steps to help deal with a new outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s rural northwest, after two cases of the deadly […]

American in China injured in 'sonic attack' similar to Cuba

US says embassy worker’s brain injury in China appears similar to those sustained by diplomats in Cuba ‘sonic attacks’. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said a brain injury sustained by an American official in a “sonic attack” in China was similar to those that affected US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba. Pompeo’s remarks on […]

Suspect in Hamas engineer assassination arrested in Croatia

Tunisia says Bosnia refused to allow Croatia to hand over suspect accused of killing Hamas member Mohammed al-Zawari. Tunisia announced the arrest of a suspect in the assassination of Mohammed al-Zawari, an aviation engineer who the Palestinian group Hamas claims was a member of its drone team. Al-Zawari, 49, was killed in a hail of bullets […]

North Korea syncs clocks with South in show of reconciliation

Decision to adjust time zone described as ‘first practical step’ for unity on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea says clocks in the country will be set forward by 30 minutes to realign with time in South Korea, a move described as “the first practical step” for national reconciliation and unity on the peninsula. The decision […]

Italy PM-designate promises new election in 2019

Carlo Cottarelli chosen interim prime minister after Italian president vetoes populist cabinet choice. Italian President Sergio Mattarella has appointed a former IMF official to lead the government pending a vote of confidence by legislators. Carlo Cottarelli, a pro-austerity economist, promised on Monday to put together a government “very quickly” and said new elections would be held […]

Is Egypt's crackdown on dissent tied to plan to lift subsidies?

The recent spate of arrests in Egypt has many observers worried. A number of prominent journalists and activists have been detained in Egypt over the past week. Human rights groups say it’s part of a systematic campaign by the government to silence any dissenting voices. At least 34 are behind bars, including Al Jazeera journalist […]

How Iraqis are using art to speak truth to power

Some Iraqis believe art is a powerful tool for holding those in power to account after years of conflict and widespread corruption. Politics has seeped into all forms of expression two weeks after Iraq’s election, while politicians are busy forming blocs for a government. Since the US invasion which overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein […]

In symbolic nod to India, US Pacific Command changes name

Name-change to Indo-Pacific Command underscores the growing importance of India to the Pentagon. The United States military renamed its Pacific Command the US Indo-Pacific Command in a symbolic move underscoring the growing importance of India to the Pentagon. US Pacific Command, which is responsible for all US military activity in the greater Pacific region, has […]

Scotland: Catalan separatist fighting Spanish extradition case

Former minister and pro-independence figure faces fight over possible extradition from Scotland over rebellion charges. Glasgow, Scotland – To her supporters, she is the underdog taking on the might of the Spanish authorities; to her detractors, she is a fugitive from justice. Clara Ponsati is the former education minister of Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia […]