Sunday, 2 Jun 2024


Presidential politics and political news from News about political parties, political campaigns, world and international politics, politics news …

Ex-Ukraine Ambassador Testified She Felt Threatened by Trump

WASHINGTON — The former United States ambassador to Ukraine told impeachment investigators last month that she felt “threatened” by President Trump after it emerged that he told the Ukrainian president she would “go through some things,” adding that she still feared retaliation. That was just one detail that emerged Monday as the House released hundreds […]

Election 2019 map: How Remain alliance has chance to swing in only SIX seats

Boris Johnson called an early general election with the hopes of securing a majority in the House of Commons. But with polling data suggesting the Lib Dems could be facing a resurgence in this election, could an alliance with other pro-Remain parties help boost their presence in Parliament and scupper the Prime Minister’s Brexit plans? […]

With a Nudge From Trump, 2020 Democrats Return to Climate Change

President Trump’s decision on Monday to begin the formal process of withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement prompted outrage from the Democratic presidential candidates, who may try to use the existential threat of climate change to motivate voters. Politically, fighting climate change is particularly important to young voters, who will live to see its worst […]

Trial of Roger Stone Will Revive Saga of Trump and Russian Interference

WASHINGTON — Just as a rapidly spreading impeachment investigation has riveted attention on whether President Trump tried to pressure a foreign ally to bolster his 2020 campaign, a criminal trial set to open in Washington is refocusing attention on the last presidential election, and Russia’s interference in it. The trial of Roger J. Stone Jr., […]

Tories have delivered zero of the 200,000 starter homes they promised in 2015

The Tories have delivered zero of the 200,000 starter homes they promised in 2015. Official figures released today reveal the £2 billion project to build homes exclusively for first time buyers has resulted in precisely none actually being built. The commitment was made in the party's 2015 election manifesto, which said they would be sold […]

Labour could ban private jets to stop billionaires ‘trashing the climate’

Labour will consider a ban on private jets in just six years’ time to help cut carbon emissions if it wins the election. Shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald accused billionaires of being allowed to “trash the climate” at the expense of the less well off. It came as a think tank report revealed that private […]

General election: Farage attacks Tories for ‘conceited arrogance’ over Brexit

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has accused the Conservative Party of “conceited arrogance” for rejecting his offer of an election pact. Speaking as he unveiled a slew of his party’s candidates for the 12 December poll, Mr Farage described how he had “tried my best” over recent months to “build a patriotic Brexit alliance in […]

Top Lawyer Declines to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry

WASHINGTON — The White House’s top national security lawyer declined to appear for a scheduled deposition on Monday morning, saying he would wait until a federal judge rules on whether President Trump’s closest advisers have to answer questions from congressional investigators. The lawyer, John A. Eisenberg, played a central role in dealing with the fallout […]