Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


Presidential politics and political news from News about political parties, political campaigns, world and international politics, politics news …

Labour’s campaign war chest swells as unions back Jeremy Corbyn’s PM bid

Labour's campaign war chest swelled in the last week as trade unions backed Jeremy Corbyn's bid to become Prime Minister. Labour received the most in donations, raking in £3,488,000 in weekly regulated period. In the first week the party raised just £218,500, but have seen a reversal of fortunes as the trade unions funded the […]

Cowardly Boris Johnson continues to dodge BBC Andrew Neil interview

Boris Johnson repeatedly refused to confirm that he will take part in a BBC interview with presenter Andrew Neil. The broadcaster has faced heavy criticism for failing to tie down the PM before going ahead with other interviews. Jeremy Corbyn faced heavy questioning from Mr Neil on Tuesday – which saw the Labour leader criticised […]

Corbyn in trouble as Boris Johnson appeals to Labour voters with spending pledge

In a bold signal of his ambition to win over millions of former Labour voters in the general election, the Prime Minister claimed the drastic public spending cuts under David Cameron and George Osborne in the wake of the 2008 financial crash were “just not the right way forward” for the country. He also promised a […]

Sen. Lindsey Graham refuses to back down on investigating Bidens

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) defended his move to investigate Joe Biden and his son, days after the former vice president said he was disappointed and angered by his old friend. “I love Joe Biden as a person but we are not going to give a pass to what is obviously a conflict of interest,” Graham tweeted Monday, claiming Hunter […]

U.S. House Judiciary panel invites Trump to December 4 impeachment hearing

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Tuesday invited President Donald Trump to its first impeachment hearing, scheduled for Dec. 4, starting a new phase of the inquiry that could lead to formal charges against the president within weeks. Trump is not required to attend the hearing. But the move allows […]

U.S. Justice Department asks court to block ex-White House lawyer ruling

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday asked an appeals court to put on hold a ruling requiring former White House Counsel Don McGahn to testify to lawmakers as part of the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. The filing in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit […]