Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


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POLL: Should Boris Johnson move the Houses of Parliament to the North of England? VOTE

We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. Both Houses of Parliament are due to undergo a multi-billion plan refurbishment, which will involve vacating Westminster for at least six years. The major overhaul, which is expected to cost about £4billion, […]

Brussels embroiled in bogus accounting scandal after dubious EU climate change investments

We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. The European Court of Auditors has questioned the European Commission’s claims about its climate-change programmes. It was found the European Union’s powerful executive had substantially overestimated the amount it spent on preventing […]

John Hickenlooper reports $5.2 million haul in Senate race against Cory Gardner

DENVER — Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s Senate campaign reports a $5.2 million fundraising haul over the past three months, calling it a record for any Senate candidate in state history. Hickenlooper’s haul is significant, though it comes as his fellow Democratic hopefuls have been shattering Senate fundraising records nationally. Hickenlooper in November will be […]

Huawei blocked: Tech must be stripped from UK’s 5G network by 2027

Boris Johnson has ordered all Huawei technology to be stripped out of the UK’s 5G network by 2027. In a major U-turn, the prime minister also banned the purchase of any new 5G equipment from the Chinese tech giant from the end of this year. The government acknowledged the move would delay the roll-out of […]

Coronavirus: Face masks ‘absolutely a good idea’ in shops but not compulsory

Wearing face masks in shops is “absolutely a good idea” but it should be left to people’s judgement, a Tory cabinet minister has said as Labour backed making it obligatory. While using coverings in enclosed spaces was being encouraged by the government in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Michael Gove said it was important “to […]