LONDON — Facebook said on Thursday that it had identified two disinformation campaigns originating from Russia — including one tied to an agency controlled by the Kremlin — that were targeted at users in Europe and Central Asia. The company said it deleted nearly 500 pages and accounts that had posted the misleading messages. Facebook […]
Two thirds of employers have opted not to interview someone who has had short-term jobs in the past. This is according to research from global job site Indeed. In seeking to define “job hopping”, on average employers consider six months to be a short-tenure to spend in a job, and employees consider 11 months a […]
The Dutch healthcare company said it aimed to close its Philips Avent baby bottle plant at Glemsford in Suffolk in 2020 and transfer most of the work to its home country. It stressed the possibility of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit was not the primary factor in its decision, despite the company’s chief executive Frans van Houten […]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of Americans filing applications for jobless benefits unexpectedly fell last week, pointing to sustained labor market strength that should continue to underpin the economy. Other data on Thursday showed factory activity in the mid-Atlantic region rebounded in January from near a 2-1/2-year low, driven by a surge in new orders. […]
SYDNEY (Reuters) – Asian stocks nudged higher on Thursday after see-sawing through a subdued session on concerns over China’s economic outlook, while an anti-climactic end to the latest chapter in the Brexit saga offered sterling a moment’s peace. Fresh news was thin on the ground leaving MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan .MIAPJ0000PUS […]
The retailer says 90 lines of loose fruit and vegetables are being sold over two aisles at its Tolworth store in southwest London. Hard fruit and vegetables like potatoes and bananas will be for sale along with more perishable items such as soft fruits and berries, which will be sold in compostable punnets. The chain […]
(Reuters) – Wall Street’s main indexes hit a one-month high on Wednesday, boosted by upbeat earnings from Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, with a multi-billion dollar deal in the fintech sector also helping a risk-on trade. Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) surged 8.29 percent and was on pace for its best day in seven […]
On the internet, conspiracy theories, propaganda and plain old inaccuracies can stump even the most thoughtful readers, spreading faster than you can say “fake news.” A small start-up, NewsGuard, says it may have a solution. The effort is led by a pair of veteran news executives — Steven Brill, an author and the founder of […]
With no clear idea what will happen with Brexit – and the March deadline for leaving the EU rapidly approaching, Brits are abandoning shares and cash savings and throwing their money into physical gold. "Last night, we saw a 173% increase in enquires [compared to the average over the last 12 months] as it was […]
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China’s central bank injected a record $83 billion into the country’s financial system on Wednesday, seeking to avoid a cash crunch that would put further pressure on the weakening economy. China’s policymakers are pledging to step up stimulus measures this year and do more to protect jobs as economic growth cools to […]