Monday, 1 Jul 2024


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Not ice but blobs of toxic foam

At first glance, they look like sheets of ice, but do not be deceived – these white blobs are toxic foam covering the surface of India’s Yamuna River in New Delhi. The main reason for the froth is the high phosphate content in the waste water that gets discharged into the river, an official of […]

Not ice but blobs of toxic foam

At first glance, they look like sheets of ice, but do not be deceived – these white blobs are toxic foam covering the surface of India’s Yamuna River in New Delhi. The main reason for the froth is the high phosphate content in the waste water that gets discharged into the river, an official of […]

More than 120 works of art go on sale in art fair promoting inclusivity

SINGAPORE – More than 120 pieces of art created by persons with disabilities and others who have faced challenges in their lives are now on sale. Proceeds from the sale of the artwork will go to the artists and their partnering community organisation to support its beneficiaries. The artwork, which includes oil paintings, pen drawings, […]

She Helped South Korea in Its Time of Need. In the Pandemic, It Repaid Her.

SEOUL, South Korea — Sandra Nathan spent 1966 to 1968 in a South Korean town as a young Peace Corps volunteer, teaching English to high school girls. Fifty-two years later, Ms. Nathan, now back in the United States, received a care package from South Korea that nearly brought her to tears. Ms. Nathan, 75, had […]

Green Pulse Podcast: Time to nurture nature to prevent future pandemics

Green Pulse Ep 37: Why time’s running out to nurture nature to prevent future pandemics 13:10 mins Synopsis: The Straits Times analyses the beat of the changing environment, from biodiversity conservation to climate change. In this episode, ST’s environment correspondent Audrey Tan and climate change editor David Fogarty host Dr Peter Daszak, president of non-profit […]

Smuggled parrots stuffed in plastic bottles: Indonesia police

FAKFAK, INDONESIA (AFP) – Dozens of parrots stuffed into plastic water bottles have been discovered on a ship docked in Indonesia’s Papua region, authorities said on Friday (Nov 20). Police in the town of Fakfak said the vessel’s crew reported hearing noises coming from a large box, and 64 live black-capped lories and another 10 dead […]

Can Singapore rebound from the Covid-19 crisis stronger and greener?

SINGAPORE – What most people see as dirty, Mr Ho Lip Teng sees as opportunity. The business development manager, 32, brims with ideas on how the waste sector he works in can be revolutionised with technology. Please subscribe or log in to continue reading the full article. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month […]

Families of Hong Kongers held in China cast doubt on prison letters

HONG KONG (AFP) – Relatives of 12 Hong Kong democracy activists detained in mainland China said Friday (Nov 20) that letters from their loved ones praising their treatment and urging their families to stay quiet about their plight were likely written under duress. The hand-written letters from seven of the detainees are the first time […]

Australia signals shift away from climate credit 'cheating'

SYDNEY (AFP) – Australia’s prime minister said the country may no longer rely on a much-criticised accounting tactic to meet its emissions targets, stepping away from an approach international partners had labelled “cheating”. Conservative leader Scott Morrison said targets under the Paris climate accord could be met without using so-called “carryover” credits – a mechanism […]