Monday, 23 Sep 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Madrasahs and Islamic education classes in Singapore to shift online from May 19: Muis

SINGAPORE – Students at madrasahs, aLIVE (Learning Islamic Values Everyday) classes at mosques and those attending classes at Islamic Education Centres and Providers (IECPs) will shift to home-based learning from Wednesday (May 19). However, madrasahs will remain open for the minority of students whose parents cannot make alternative arrangements for childcare, said the Islamic Religious […]

India's Covid-19 cases lower but WHO expert says positive tests ominously high

NEW DELHI (REUTERS) – India on Monday (May 17) reported a further decline in new coronavirus cases, though daily deaths remained above 4,000 and experts warned that the count was unreliable due to a lack of testing in rural areas, where the virus is spreading fast. For months now, nowhere in the world has been […]

Emerging Stronger Taskforce report: A long read, a few gems, and work in progress

SINGAPORE – The Emerging Stronger Taskforce’s report is 118 pages long, but a Venn diagram on Page 38 neatly sums it up. The diagram depicts the task force’s vision of a Virtually Unlimited Singapore, one that sits at the intersection of three circles, or focus areas: creating new virtual frontiers; a sustainable nation; and one […]

Myanmar's election reflected people's will, monitoring group says

YANGON (REUTERS) – Myanmar’s election last year reflected the will of the people and the army was unjustified in using alleged flaws as a reason to seize power, an international monitoring group said on Monday (May17) in its final report. The Feb 1 coup cut short a decade of tentative democratic reforms and led to […]

A Desperate India Falls Prey to Covid Scammers

NEW DELHI — Within the world’s worst coronavirus outbreak, few treasures are more coveted than an empty oxygen canister. India’s hospitals desperately need the metal cylinders to store and transport the lifesaving gas as patients across the country gasp for breath. So a local charity reacted with outrage when one supplier more than doubled the […]

Court rules man can recover $1.62m in loans from friend of over 20 years

SINGAPORE – A renovation contractor sued his friend of more than 20 years, seeking the return of $1.62 million in what he said were interest-free loans he had made in cash without any written agreement. However, the defendant, who works in the finance industry, said he borrowed only $550,000, was charged interest, and had repaid […]