Saturday, 21 Sep 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Should Singapore offer lottery draws to boost Covid-19 vaccination rate?

SINGAPORE – Cows, scholarships and million-dollar lottery draws – governments around the world have dangled these and other incentives in front of their citizens to help them overcome vaccine hesitancy and give national Covid-19 vaccination drives a booster shot. While Singapore has been making steady progress on the vaccination front, some observers have asked whether […]

Getting onto food delivery platforms eats into already-thin profit margins, say hawkers

SINGAPORE – Food delivery platforms may not be the easy answer to solve the current woes faced by hawkers amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Many are worried that the costs of hopping onto food delivery platforms would eat into their already-thin profit margins. Onboarding charges and commission fees could force them to choose between keeping their […]

Around 190 HDB flats breached renovation guidelines in past 3 years' inspections

SINGAPORE – Around 190 home owners and contractors of Housing Board flats were found to have carried out unauthorised renovation works infringing on the HDB’s guidelines in the past three years. More than 38,000 flats were inspected by the HDB from 2018 to 2020. Of these, less than 0.5 per cent of flats were found […]

South Korea to accelerate space programme, expand US cooperation

SEOUL (BLOOMBERG) – South Korea plans to accelerate its space development programme including by boosting cooperation with the US in a move that may help the Biden administration’s Asia strategy to counter China’s growing global clout. “We will expand our space cooperation with the international community, including the US,” South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in […]

Adieu to Tanglin Halt, one of Singapore's oldest estates

SINGAPORE – For the last 54 years, a flat at Block 45 Tanglin Halt has been Madam Soh Kim Tee’s home. She was 16 when she moved into the estate with her family. At 20, she got married and the couple moved out for two years, but they returned after buying the current unit. Please […]

Third time's the charm: Is former Japan PM Abe gunning for the hot seat again?

TOKYO – Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been shoring up his power base within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) by launching new study groups and raising his public profile with more media interviews. This has given rise to widespread speculation that Mr Abe, 66, who resigned last year due to a flare-up […]

'Digital safety gap' for women in S'pore must be addressed: Sim Ann

SINGAPORE – Girls and women here enjoy a relatively high degree of safety, but this may not be the case when they are online, said Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and National Development Sim Ann on Saturday (June 5). She and Parliamentary Secretary for Communications and Information and Health Rahayu Mahzam were speaking to the […]