Saturday, 21 Sep 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Shell and JTC plan solar farm the size of 112 football fields on Semakau Island

SINGAPORE – A solar farm the size of 112 football fields, one of Singapore’s largest yet, is being planned on Semakau Island. If completed, it will be more than twice the size of the Tengeh Reservoir solar farm announced earlier this year, and will generate more energy. With an intended capacity of 72 megawatt-peak (MWp), […]

Australia raises recommended age for AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine to 60

SYDNEY (BLOOMBERG) – Australia has narrowed the range of people who will receive the AstraZeneca Plc Covid-19 vaccine due to concern about blood clots, in a move that could slow the nation’s already tardy rollout. The Australian Technical Advisory Group made the recommendation that the AstraZeneca vaccine should only be given to those aged 60 […]

Youth unemployment rate climbed higher last year amid Covid-19: MOM report

SINGAPORE – The youth unemployment rate climbed higher last year amid the Covid-19 pandemic, compared with previous downturns, the Ministry of Manpower said on Thursday (June 17), as part of its labour market report for the first quarter. The annual average resident youth unemployment rate hit 10.6 per cent, higher than the 8.8 per cent in the […]

New Zealand lays out Covid-19 vaccine plan after grumbling over delay

WELLINGTON (REUTERS) – New Zealand will take up to the end of the year to inoculate all those eligible for Covid-19 vaccinations, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday (June 17), as she announced details of a vaccine campaign. The Pacific island nation shut its borders and used tough lockdown measures to become one of […]

Column: Is the world holding down US Treasury yields?

LONDON (Reuters) – Just who or what is holding down U.S. government borrowing rates has become one the big financial questions of the year – at least for those who think the Fed’s ongoing bond-buying programme is not a good enough explanation.A financial trader works at their desk at CMC Markets in the City of […]

Shocked by Covid-19 deaths, young Indians rush for life insurance

BANGALORE (REUTERS) – Like many other twenty-somethings in India, Beverly Coutinho kept postponing buying a life insurance policy, until a surge in Covid-19 cases and deaths made her confront her own mortality. “I saw people my own age dying, which prompted me to get life insurance immediately,” says Coutinho, a 24-year-old senior executive at a […]