Friday, 5 Jul 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Japan's Cabinet approves climate change plan

TOKYO (WASHINGTON POST) – Japan’s Cabinet approved a climate change adaptation plan on Tuesday (Nov 27) that is aimed at countering the dangers caused by global warming, including disasters and the impact on farm produce, among other problems. The adaptation plan – a revision of an earlier plan drawn up in 2015 – was compiled […]

The ageing 'uncle' seeking to bring down Bangladesh PM

DHAKA (REUTERS) – An octogenarian former comrade of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s father in the country’s independence struggle is now the face of an embattled opposition seeking to end her decade-long rule increasingly tainted by accusations of authoritarianism. In a general election due next month, Ms Hasina’s ruling Awami League will be fighting to […]

Home mortgages eligible for U.S. backing raised to $484,000

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States will finance single-family home mortgages as high as $484,350 across much of the country next year, according to the regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance companies that are owned by taxpayers. The new loan limit means more large homes are eligible for backing by Fannie […]

Indonesia presidential candidate Prabowo promises a clean government to attract businesses

SINGAPORE – Indonesia’s presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto has vowed to push reforms for a clean, non-corrupt government to attract businesses. The “rampant and massive corruption” in the country is “like cancer that has reached Stage 4”, he told business leaders at The Economist’s The World in 2019 gala dinner held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel […]

Music Festivals Are Gaining Popularity in Asia. Just Not With Officials.

HONG KONG — When the members of Bottlesmoker, an “indietronic” band from Indonesia, landed in Vietnam last Thursday, they were looking forward to their set at Quest Festival, an annual event billed as a “wondrous, wild wonderland of nature, art and eclectic entertainment.” But just after 11 p.m. on Friday — after bands and fans […]

PM Lee to visit Argentina for G-20 leaders' summit

BUENOS AIRES – Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will make his first working visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from Wednesday (Nov 28) to Saturday (Dec 1), during which he will attend the Group of 20 (G-20) Leaders’ Summit. The visit, made at the invitation of Argentinian President Mauricio Macri, will focus on strengthening economic cooperation between […]

In open letter, scientists in China say baby gene editing 'crazy'

SHANGHAI (REUTERS) – More than 100 scientists, most of them in China, have condemned as “crazy” and unethical a geneticist’s claim that he altered the genes of twin girls born this month to create the first gene-edited babies. In an open letter circulating online, the scientists said the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to edit the […]