Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


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U.S. business borrowing for equipment rises 9% in June: ELFA

(Reuters) – U.S. companies’ borrowing to spend on capital investments rose 9% in June from a year earlier, the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) said. Companies signed up for $9.9 billion in new loans, leases and lines of credit last month, up from $9.1 billion a year earlier. Borrowings rose 9% from the previous […]

U.S. business borrowing for equipment rises 9% in June: ELFA

(Reuters) – U.S. companies’ borrowing to spend on capital investments rose 9% in June from a year earlier, the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) said. Companies signed up for $9.9 billion in new loans, leases and lines of credit last month, up from $9.1 billion a year earlier. Borrowings rose 9% from the previous […]

Lopez Obrador lambastes IMF after it cuts Mexico's growth forecast

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday criticized the use of GDP growth as a yardstick of development, but stuck to his forecast of a 2% expansion this year after the International Monetary Fund lowered its estimate. On Tuesday, the Washington-based organization lowered its 2019 forecast for global growth, and […]

White House adviser Kudlow hopeful on U.S.-China trade talks, ag buys

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Tuesday said it was a good sign that top U.S. officials would travel to China for in-person talks about reviving stalled trade talks, and said he expected Beijing to start buying U.S. agriculture products soon. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin […]

How the rumour mill ‘killed off’ a president

Rumours about the death of presidents don’t normally live long. But in the Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan, one of the most secretive and closed states in the world, rumours are often the only source of information. Over the weekend, regional news outlets and social media were caught up in an information storm following reports […]

How the rumour mill ‘killed off’ a president

Rumours about the death of presidents don’t normally live long. But in the Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan, one of the most secretive and closed states in the world, rumours are often the only source of information. Over the weekend, regional news outlets and social media were caught up in an information storm following reports […]

More than 200 jobs at risk from RBS call center closure: Unite

(Reuters) – British trade union Unite said on Tuesday that the closure of Royal Bank of Scotland’s Brunswick Gate customer contact center in Southampton would result in the loss of 227 bank staff. “Unite is calling on the bank to reconsider this decision and protect their workforce,” the union said in a statement. The state-backed […]

FT calls in law firm to review reporting on Wirecard

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – The Financial Times has hired a law firm to review its investigations into German payments company Wirecard (WDIG.DE), which has sued the newspaper over a series of reports alleging accounting irregularities. Editor Lionel Barber called in London-based law firm RPC after the Handelsblatt daily reported at the weekend that Wirecard had given […]

Global regulators delay new derivatives rule to September 2021

LONDON (Reuters) – Global regulators have delayed by a year the final phase of new rules that require smaller fund managers to set aside cash or margin to cover their derivatives transactions for the first time. Regulators discussed postponing the measures at the Basel Committee meeting last month, after industry bodies said those affected needed […]

Paving paradise to put up an eco-resort

Singaporeans are getting a new wildlife paradise to bring them closer to nature, but as the BBC’s Yvette Tan writes, the development is carving into the jungle and pushing rare animals into the path of danger. It might be tiny, densely populated and commonly referred to as a concrete jungle, but Singapore has more wild […]