Thursday, 6 Mar 2025

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Opinion | An Invitation to High Schoolers: Tell Us What You Think

Once again we invite high school students to enter our letter-writing competition. Write a letter to the editor in response to a Times news or opinion article from the past week, and we will choose some of our favorites for publication. Letters should be about 150 to 200 words and include the headline and a […]

Opinion | Just a Few Top Secrets Among Friends

Bret Stephens: Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska governor and senator, emailed me a letter he was considering putting in the mail. He gave me permission to share it with our readers, so here you have it: Dear Federal Government, When a 21-year-old National Guardsman gets access to Top Secret briefings, my first conclusion is: You […]

Finding the Pentagon Leak Suspect

The murky digital trail started with four items posted to Russian channels on the messaging app Telegram, each consisting of a photograph of a classified U.S. intelligence report. Aric Toler, a freelance reporter who works with us, noticed that several similar documents had also been posted elsewhere and figured that the original source of the […]

Opinion | How Gay Men Saved Us From Mpox

For weeks, the same awkward scene played out again and again in sexually transmitted infection clinics across the United States. Half-naked gay men stood with their pants around their ankles while clinicians crouched between their legs, swabs at the ready. The clinicians were covered head-to-toe in hazmat chic: gowns, gloves, face shields and N95 respirators. […]

Opinion | How to Pray With Our Eyes Open

April is my favorite month in Austin, my hometown. The banks along the highways burst with wildflowers. Bluebonnets preside over dainty, pink buttercups playing with bold black-eyed Susans. Trees glisten with their chirpy new green. Birds enthusiastically pass on news, waking me up each morning. The air drops hints of the summer heat soon to […]

Opinion | A Justice in Trouble

Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. By Jamelle Bouie Opinion Columnist The first and only Supreme Court justice to be impeached was Samuel Chase of Maryland in 1805, and he was, in the end, acquitted. I mentioned Chase […]

Opinion | How to Pick the Right College for You

To the Editor: Re “There’s Only One College Rankings List That Matters,” by Frank Bruni (Opinion guest essay, April 2): Several years ago we took my grandson on a tour of Duke University as part of his college tours. The woman who greeted us talked about the school and gave us the best advice I […]