Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

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Opinion | Covid-19 Has Closed Stores, but Snake Oil Is Still for Sale

Pitches for treatments with no scientific proof erode trust and threatens lives. By James Phillips, Jordan Selzer, Samantha Noll and Timur Alptunaer Dr. Phillips is fellowship director and chief of disaster and operational medicine at George Washington University Hospital Drs. Selzer, Noll and Alptunaer are disaster and operational medicine fellows there. Fear is overcoming reason […]

Opinion | Congress Must Pass the Living Artists Act

It’s 2046, and the “Estate Craze” is setting the music industry on a dangerous path. By Myke Cole Mr. Cole is an author and television personality. Editors’ note: This is part of the Op-Eds From the Future series, in which science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read […]

Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device

An Australian astrophysicist got himself into a jam while trying to invent a device to fight COVID-19 transmission. Daniel Reardon came up with a genius idea — he wanted to build a magnetic necklace that reacts when wearers try to touch their faces. In the midst of the coronavirus spread, physicians advise that one of […]

Opinion | ‘It’s Starting to Feel Like a Pressure Cooker in This House’

Readers tell us what it’s like to almost never be home alone. By Rachel L. Harris and Lisa Tarchak Ms. Harris and Ms. Tarchak are senior editorial assistants. “The coronavirus may turn out to be the ultimate stress test for couples,” writes Jennifer Senior in her column, “Welcome to Marriage During the Coronavirus.” Many of […]

Opinion | The Pandemic Book Club

How to get through this cataclysm even halfway calm: Enter a slower world. By Margaret Renkl Contributing Opinion Writer NASHVILLE — In a recent Facebook post, Tiffany Lauderdale Phillips described taking a call at her bookstore in Franklin, Ind.: “Wild Geese Bookshop, this is Tiffany.” “Hi, Tiffany. This is Amy Ephron,” a voice replied. Ms. […]

Global Affairs: Covid-19's existential threat to the EU

LONDON • For the moment, all European governments are concentrating their entire firepower on fighting the still virulent coronavirus epidemic. But behind the scenes, a battle just as critical to the future of the continent is unfolding, about the ways European states should manage the huge economic costs of the pandemic. There are no easy […]

Alan Cross: A look at art and music created in times of pandemic

The spectre of disease, pandemic, and death have been with us since life emerged on this rock. And once we got around to discovering music, homo sapiens (and perhaps Neanderthals, whose numbers were probably drastically culled by disease), began reacting to these periods of widespread sickness with stories, art, and song. The first recorded pandemic […]

Opinion | The Healing Power of ‘Steven Universe’

The hit cartoon series has helped me process my biracial identity. By Nicole Clark Ms. Clark is a culture writer. For most of my life, Taiwan was a place that lived in my head. My mother told me her origin stories like a series of tall tales, full of pitched, tin roofs and fields of […]

Opinion | Germany Has Relatively Few Deaths From Coronavirus. Why?

The country is not immune to the pandemic. So what explains its current low fatality rate? By Anna Sauerbrey Contributing Opinion Writer BERLIN — Europe is in crisis. Countries across the Continent are in lockdown. Borders are closed off. Health care systems are dangerously overstretched. Economies are contracting. And people are dying, in terrifying numbers. […]