Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Opinion | A Fresh New Way of Living

Growing up in the Bronx of the late 1980s, Emanuel Adjekum never felt he lacked things to see or places to go. He loved the city sounds, playing whiffle ball and simply being in the mix of neighbors who looked after one another, gathered for block parties and organized trips to Six Flags Great Adventure. […]

Opinion | The Great Debt Ceiling Drama’s Finale

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Senate Passes Debt Limit Bill, Staving Off a Calamitous Default” (nytimes.com, June 2): On Thursday night, with an affirmative vote in the Senate, the great debt ceiling drama was ended. The self-induced angst ended as we hoped it would, with the debt ceiling being raised. Both sides, […]

Opinion | A Major Problem With Compulsory Mental Health Care Is the Medication

If severe mental illness, untreated, underlies the feeling of encroaching anarchy and menace around the homeless encampments of San Francisco or in the subways of New York City, then the remedy appears obvious. Let’s rescue those who, as New York’s mayor, Eric Adams, says, “slip through the cracks” of our mental health care systems; let’s […]

Opinion | Are the Warnings About A.I. Overblown?

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “A.I. Poses ‘Risk of Extinction,’ Tech Leaders Warn” (front page, May 31): I read with great interest your article about the potential existential threat of artificial intelligence. Clearly, much anxiety exists concerning the recent, and rapid, developments in so-called large language models, such as that used in […]

Opinion | Haiti Has Overcome Other Crises. This Time, We Can’t Do It Alone.

As an infectious disease doctor working in Haiti for over 40 years, I have wrestled with countless tragedies. I have battled problems like H.I.V., tuberculosis, Covid-19, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Each time, our community of health care providers, police officers, humanitarian workers, government officials and citizens have pulled together and come up with a solution […]

A Big Day for the Debt Ceiling

Can House Republicans behave as the members of a well-functioning political party would? Or are they still the same party that has cycled through one House leader after another over the past decade, unable to find one who can unite various factions? The past few days of debt-ceiling talks have brought conflicting signals. And Republicans […]

Opinion | Why North Korea’s Princess Will Never Wear the Crown

SEOUL — For more than six months, Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, has seemingly been giving the world an unprecedented glimpse into his private life. The first set of photos revealed a ponytailed girl in red shoes strolling hand in hand with Mr. Kim around a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile. Later, she’s gazing […]

Opinion | Let the Wild World Run Wild

NASHVILLE — Though it is still more than three weeks from the summer solstice, Memorial Day is the unofficial first day of summer, and already it is hot here. Every day now, temperatures rise well into the 80s, sometimes as high as 90 degrees. At both a global and a local level, the life-obliterating fallout […]