Saturday, 22 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

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Opinion | The Opportunities We Lost Under Trump

The 2016 election should have forced change on all our factions. With Trump’s help, they’ve all reverted back to type. By Ross Douthat Opinion Columnist In the original Greek the term “apocalypse” refers to an unveiling, the gray rain clouds of the everyday world torn away and something long hidden finally revealed. The political apocalypse […]

Opinion | Goodbye Principled Conservatism

Under Trump, the politics of resentment now govern the Republican Party. By Bret Stephens Opinion Columnist If Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court turns out to be the last major act of a one-term Trump presidency, it will be a fitting finale. Republicans, like the Federalist Party of yore, will consolidate power in […]

Opinion | Don’t Fool Yourself. Trump Is Not an Aberration.

Many of the worst things the president has said and done were said and done by his predecessors. By Jamelle Bouie Opinion Columnist For many millions of Americans, the presidency of Donald Trump has been a kind of transgression, an endless assault on dignity, decency and decorum. They experience everything — the casual insults, the […]

Your Friday Briefing

Xi sets the tone for the next five years. By Melina Delkic Good morning. We’re covering Singapore’s migrant workers stuck in limbo, Xi Jinping’s show of strength at an important Communist Party meeting and an unemployment crisis for young Europeans. Singapore eases virus controls on migrants Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers who have largely […]

Opinion | Transitioning From Fossil Fuels

To the Editor: Re “After Debate, Climate Takes Center Stage” (front page, Oct. 24): Republicans feign shock that Democrats have plans to transition our economy away from fossil fuels. Scientists have been warning us for years that carbon pollution from burning coal, oil and gas is causing worldwide death and destruction. The heat-trapping emissions increase […]

Opinion | Four Wasted Years Thinking About Donald Trump

How this president invaded our brains and destroyed American culture. By Michelle Goldberg Opinion Columnist It’s very hard to catalog all the things we’ve lost under the presidency of Donald Trump. As I write this, over 225,000 Americans have lost their lives to Covid-19. Many of our children have lost months of school. Soon a […]

Your Thursday Briefing

France imposes a national lockdown. By Natasha Frost Good morning. We’re covering new virus restrictions in Germany and France, protests in Poland over new abortion laws and a radical proposal to combat climate change. France and Germany impose severe restrictions With coronavirus case numbers rising rapidly and hospitals already under strain in France and Germany, […]

Opinion | How Far Might Trump Go?

On election night and the days that follow, the country may be in for a roller-coaster ride, with ups and downs that raise and dash expectations, provoking anger and frustration. Here is a scenario, sketched out by Edward B. Foley, a professor of constitutional law at Ohio State, in his 2019 paper “Preparing for a […]

Opinion | Californians, Vote Yes on Prop 16

Black and Latino people have been hit hardest by America’s recent one-two punch of public health and economic crises. They’ve been hospitalized for Covid-19 at quadruple the rate of white Americans. Their businesses have struggled to get the support they requested from the government’s Paycheck Protection Program. As of August, the unemployment rate for African-Americans […]

Opinion | Three Paths for Reforming the Supreme Court

This article is part of the Debatable newsletter. You can sign up here to receive it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. At the end of September, shortly after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, I wrote about the rather limited array of options Democrats in Congress were considering to delay or stop Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation […]