Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Opinion | ‘You Can’t Protect Some Life and Not Others’

With over a year to go until the presidential election, I am already dreading what this next political season will feel like — the polarity, the vitriol, the exhaustion, the online fighting, the misinformation, the possibility of another Trump nomination. I already know that I won’t feel represented by the platforms of either party. I […]

Opinion | Mississippi’s Many Education Lessons

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Mississippi Is Offering Lessons for America on Education,” by Nicholas Kristof (column, “How America Heals” series, June 1): Mississippi schools prove that all the reasons for the failure of children to learn how to read and excel have been excuses. Critics will no doubt claim that its […]

Opinion | A Psychiatrist and a Psychologist Analyze Donald Trump

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Donald Trump never apologizes, acknowledges a mistake or appears to reflect on his role in the creation of his recurrent difficulties. As a practicing mental health professional for over 40 years, I believe that people can change, but I also know it is often difficult and painful work, […]

Opinion | Is a Revolution in Cancer Treatment Within Reach?

By Kate Pickert Ms. Pickert is a journalist and the author of “Radical: The Science, Culture, and History of Breast Cancer in America.” Carol MacKenzie had just finished playing a round of golf when she noticed some swelling and pain in her neck. It was 2014, and 18 years had passed since Ms. MacKenzie finished […]

Opinion | Even in Texas, You Can’t Stop the Green Revolution

Over the past few weeks, a once unthinkable parable about the green transition has played out in Texas, the very picture of a recalcitrant red state soaked with fossil fuel. Legislators friendly to the oil and gas business staged a desperate fight with the market — and lost. This is one fight in one state […]

Opinion | Every Trump Indictment Tells a Story

By Ross Douthat Opinion Columnist Let’s assume, because it seems like a reasonable assumption, that we have not reached the end of the indictments that will be handed down against Donald Trump. Let’s assume that either the case in Georgia, where he is being investigated for election tampering, or the special counsel’s continuing investigation in […]

Opinion | Saving the Flailing Humanities

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Don’t Kill ‘Frankenstein’ With Real Frankensteins at Large,” by Maureen Dowd (column, May 28): Ms. Dowd’s column laments the decline of the humanities. Simultaneously, she definitively demonstrates that her exciting educational journey exquisitely prepares her, at a time when “political eloquence is scarce,” to hurl the most […]

Opinion | Before Trump, There Was Berlusconi

ROME — The tycoon-turned-politician spent his career mixing entertainment and power, escaping sex scandals and remodeling his party in his own plasticized image. He claimed elections he lost were actually stolen from him. Law enforcement scrutinized his businesses and he incessantly praised his longtime friend Vladimir Putin. Struggling to beat him politically, opponents relied on […]

Opinion | Puerto Rico’s Future Should Protect Puerto Rico’s Women

Not everyone in Puerto Rico agrees we are the oldest colony in the world. But as a territory that is neither independent nor a state — we have no voice in Congress — the tension feeds lack of clarity and an illusion of self-governance that obscures our political reality. It robs us of a defined […]