Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Analysis & Comment

Read the latest Analysis & Comment News from around the UK. Get all the headlines, pictures, video and analysis on the stories that matter to you…

Opinion | How a Scientific Fraud Reinvented Himself

Science is known for rigorous self-policing by the research community, yet it can feel like scientific fraud is rampant. Why do fraudsters think they can get away with it? The story of Hwang Woo-suk, a South Korean scientist who gained notoriety for claiming to clone human embryos, provides clues. After leaving the field in disgrace, […]

Opinion | Is Taylor Swift Underpaid?

By Paul Krugman Opinion Columnist Like almost every other nation, Sweden has been experiencing high inflation recently. Consumer prices have risen 9.7 percent over the past year, reflecting multiple factors: large spending to support households during the pandemic, Covid-related disruptions of supply chains, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Beyoncé. Seriously. Beyoncé kicked off her latest […]

Opinion | The Life and Courage of Daniel Ellsberg, ‘a True American Hero’

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Daniel Ellsberg, 1931-2023: Whistleblower Who Unveiled U.S. Deceit in Pentagon Papers” (obituary, front page, June 17): Thank you for the excellent obituary recounting the life, career and legacy of Daniel Ellsberg. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Mr. Ellsberg in 2010 during one of the […]

Opinion | What America Could Learn From ‘Skip and Shannon: Undisputed’

As a self-conscious recusant from the so-called prestige TV revolution, I take a certain knowing delight in telling people that the only show — broadcast or streaming — that I watch is “Skip and Shannon: Undisputed,” a daily morning talk program on FS1, Fox’s national sports channel. “Undisputed” is not a name to conjure in […]

Opinion | How Should Gig Workers Be Classified?

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Hustle Till It Hurts: Gig Work’s Luster Dims” (Sunday Business, May 28): The questions and concerns raised by freelance and gig work are important ones, but we need to stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. As a lawyer who has spent her […]

The Racial Wage Gap Is Shrinking

In the early 2000s, the wage gap between Black and white workers in the U.S. was as large as it had been in 1950. That is a shocking statistic and a sign of the country’s deep racial inequality. Over the past five years, however, the story has changed somewhat: The wage gap, though still enormous, […]

The Racial Wage Gap Is Shrinking

In the early 2000s, the wage gap between Black and white workers in the U.S. was as large as it had been in 1950. That is a shocking statistic and a sign of the country’s deep racial inequality. Over the past five years, however, the story has changed somewhat: The wage gap, though still enormous, […]

Opinion | Our Most Important Environmentalists Are 4 Years Old

NASHVILLE — One afternoon back in late March, family friends discovered a female cardinal resting on their patio, unable to fly. I couldn’t tell for sure from the photo they sent, but I thought perhaps the bird had flown into a window. I forwarded their picture to the experts at Harmony Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, which […]

Opinion | Communities of Color Have Suffered Environmental Injustice for Far Too Long

For generations, the residents of Lowndes County, Ala. — a rural, mostly Black community bordering Montgomery — have lacked access to adequate sanitation. Many people funnel the sewage from their homes directly into their backyards, where it pools atop the dense, clay-like soil. The area has seen a resurgence of hookworm, which thrives in areas […]

Your Monday Briefing

New lessons about the global economy After five years of major disruptions — a pandemic, war in Europe, tensions between the U.S. and China, inflation — the global economic outlook has dimmed. And, as the dust settles, many long-held assumptions about the world economy are now being questioned. The economic conventions favored by policymakers for […]