Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Aldi selling giant Yorkshire pudding filled with entire roast dinner for £1.99

If your favourite part of a roast dinner is undoubtedly the Yorkshire pudding… your life is about to get a lot better.

As Aldi has started selling a giant Yorkshire pudding that's filled to the brim with all the classic roast dinner components, including garlicky roasted potatoes, succulent chicken, pork and onion stuffing and a token tasty British chipolata sausage, all covered with the obligatory gravy, made with onion, chicken stock, white wine and garlic. Heaven.

It's also an absolute steal, costing just £1.99 for the 400g meal.

Swapping out the standard plate for a massive Yorkshire pudding instead, the unique meal is part of Aldi's new winter seasonal range and is already in all Aldi stores all across the country.

The launch of the intriguing Yorkshire pudding follows the soaring success of a similar dish last year – an epic Yorkshire filled with roast dinner food – although back in 2018, it set you back the slightly more pricey £2.49 per piece.

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