Monday, 23 Sep 2024

World Economic Forum meeting to be held in Singapore postponed to first half of 2022

SINGAPORE – The World Economic Forum (WEF) special annual meeting scheduled to be held in Singapore in August has been postponed to next year.

Organisers cited the uncertain travel outlook and new variants of Covid-19, among others, as reasons.

In a statement on its website on Monday (May 17), the WEF said: “Regretfully, the tragic circumstances unfolding across geographies, an uncertain travel outlook, differing speeds of vaccination rollout and the uncertainty around new variants combine to make it impossible to realise a global meeting with business, government and civil society leaders from all over the world at the scale which was planned.”

This is despite the “excellent support” provided by the Government of Singapore, said WEF.

The next annual meeting will instead take place in the first half of 2022. The final location and date will be determined based on an assessment of the situation later this summer, said the statement.

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