Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Tracy Lee posts tribute to husband Ben Goi on Instagram a month after his death

SINGAPORE (ASIAONE) – Death is cruel and the ones who are left behind may be able to piece themselves back together but they never truly recover.

A month ago (Feb 3), Ben Goi – the son of Singapore ‘Popiah King’ Sam Goi – died suddenly after suffering a heart attack in Kuala Lumpur.

Ben, 43, married former TV actress Tracy Lee in 2017 and they have a one-year-old son. Tragically, his death came just days before their son was due to celebrate his first birthday.

As a tribute to her late husband on the one-month mark of his passing, Tracy took to Instagram to publish a video accompanied by a melancholic post.

Tracy wrote: “It’s been a month… I’m still trying to get used to a life without you. This is the longest that you’ve been away from me. Whenever you travelled in the past, I would look continuously at the phone, awaiting your messages. Now, I can only pen down my words to you in a diary.”

In the post, she described just how much Ben’s presence is missed in the house.

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一个月了 。。。我还在努力适应着没有你的日子。这一次是你不在我身边最久的一次 … 以前你出国我总会不断看电话 期待着讯息铃声响起,但现在也只能把想对你说的话写成日记 每个晚上少了那熟悉的打呼声 再冷也感受不到那厚实温暖的双手 半夜孩子哭 没有爸爸抱 傍晚没有你车声回来 房间没有你香水味道 难过也没有你的肩膀可以依靠 老公 我想念你的 bear hug. 我要我的阿拉丁 今早让孩子看你抱他的照片 ,他拍打的说 :爸爸 他再次叫你了 你听到了吗 我拒绝活在悲伤里 所以每当眼泪泛起时 我就会看有你的视频 听你的声音 然后提醒自己 不要难过 上帝在照顾你 且不曾离弃我们 祂说:‘疲乏的,他赐能力。软弱的,他加力量。那等候耶和华的,必重新得力。他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。 #beStill

A post shared by Tracy Lee 李美玲 (@tracyleemeileng) on

一个月了 。。。我还在努力适应着没有你的日子。这一次是你不在我身边最久的一次 … 以前你出国我总会不断看电话 期待着讯息铃声响起,但现在也只能把想对你说的话写成日记 每个晚上少了那熟悉的打呼声 再冷也感受不到那厚实温暖的双手 半夜孩子哭 没有爸爸抱 傍晚没有你车声回来 房间没有你香水味道 难过也没有你的肩膀可以依靠 老公 我想念你的 bear hug. 我要我的阿拉丁 今早让孩子看你抱他的照片 ,他拍打的说 :爸爸 他再次叫你了 你听到了吗 我拒绝活在悲伤里 所以每当眼泪泛起时 我就会看有你的视频 听你的声音 然后提醒自己 不要难过 上帝在照顾你 且不曾离弃我们 祂说:‘疲乏的,他赐能力。软弱的,他加力量。那等候耶和华的,必重新得力。他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。 #beStill

A post shared by Tracy Lee 李美玲 (@tracyleemeileng) on

From missing the “familiar sounds of his snores every night” to not being able to “feel the warmth of (his) hands on a cold day” to their son “lacking the embrace of his father when he cries at night”, Tracy provided heartbreaking examples on the void that his death has left in their family.

She continued: “Hubby, I miss your bear hug. I want my Aladdin.”

But perhaps what would make everyone reach for a tissue was when Tracy described how their son is aware that Ben isn’t around.

She said: “This morning, I showed him a photo of you hugging him, and he pointed to the photo and called ‘Daddy’. He called out for you again. Did you hear it?”

Tracy ended off the her tribute by declaring that she refuses to give in to the grief and sadness.

She wrote: “Whenever I feel the tears coming, I’ll look at videos of you, listen to your voice, and remind myself to not be sad because God is looking after us and has never abandoned us.”

Source: Read Full Article

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