Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Three KTV outlets linked to Covid-19 cluster and slated to reopen on Wednesday still closed

SINGAPORE – Two KTV lounges that were meant to reopen on Wednesday (July 28) will remain closed.

Checks by The Straits Times on a third outlet revealed that it had not reopened either.

The Health Ministry (MOH) said on July 13 that Club Dolce in Balestier Point, Wu Bistro in Golden Mile Complex and Club De Zara in Textile Centre will be closed from July 13 to July 27 after the ministry detected likely ongoing transmission of Covid-19 at these places.

They are part of the KTV cluster, which now has 247 cases.

But ST understands that the KTV outlets will not reopen now, as that announcement had come before the country returned to phase two (heightened alert) last Thursday.

MOH said on July 16 that operations at all nightlife establishments which had pivoted to become food and beverage outlets would be suspended from July 16 to July 30.

Said Mr Darren Peh, the owner of Club Dolce: “We will remain closed for now because we want the Covid-19 situation here to stabilise first.”

When asked if he had received any instructions from the authorities on whether his outlet would be allowed to reopen, he declined to comment further.

A source familiar with Club De Zara’s operations told ST that the outlet would stay closed for the time being.

He said: “All the staff just completed their quarantines yesterday. We are in the midst of settling down so we cannot open up so soon. Even if we were to open for takeaway, we still need to order the ingredients, and it will take some time. We are still in the midst of discussing how to proceed.”

None of the club’s staff tested positive, the source claimed.

Wu Bistro could not be reached for comment, but the outlet was closed when ST visited on Wednesday night.

The two-week suspension period for the more than 400 nightlife establishments that have pivoted into food and beverage (F&B) operations was introduced after infections in the KTV cluster swelled.

Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said on July 20 that the suspension was imposed so government agencies could go through the safe management protocols implemented in these establishments.

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These businesses may be allowed to resume their F&B operations after the suspension period if the authorities are satisfied that the necessary safe management measures are in place, he added.

ST has contacted MOH and the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment for more details.

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