Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Taiwan says it will respect Honduras vote outcome, warns again on China

TAIPEI (REUTERS) – Taiwan will respect the outcome of the Honduras election but the country should be aware of getting sucked in by China’s “false” promises, the foreign ministry said on Tuesday (Nov 23) ahead of a vote which could see Taipei lose a steadfast ally to Beijing.

Honduras is one of only 15 countries that still maintain formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

The two have a relationship dating back to 1941, before the Republic of China government fled to Taiwan after loosing the Chinese civil war.

But poll leader Xiomara Castro, of the leftist opposition Libre Party, says she plans to open relations with China if elected, giving Beijing another foothold in what is traditionally the US back yard.

Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou told reporters that based on democratic principles they would respect the outcome of the election, but would also strengthen communication with all sides in Honduras including the opposition.

“We will continue to explain, and let them know, that only Taiwan is a partner worthy of trust for Honduras. At the same time we will remind Honduras to pay attention to China’s flashy and false promises.”

Outgoing Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez visited Taiwan earlier this month and met Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, saying he hoped his country would continue its friendship with Taiwan.

China has been gradually whittling away at Taiwan’s remaining allies, especially in its former stronghold of Central America, where Taiwan now only has official relations with Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Belize.

China’s efforts have alarmed and angered Washington, which is concerned about Beijing’s growing international influence.

Pacific island nations Kiribati and the Solomon Islands were the last countries to cut ties with Taipei in September 2019.

China regards Taiwan as a renegade province to be reunified, by force, if necessary.

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan is an independent country.

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