Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Streaming had its place to ensure children had an education: Teo Chee Hean

SINGAPORE – Streaming had its place at a time when half of the children in Singapore were dropping out of school, said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean.

He was speaking at the 1000 Enterprises and 1000 Philanthropists for Children-in-Need Appreciation Dinner held on Tuesday (March 19) by the Singapore Children’s Society.

While Mr Teo, a former education minister, supported the move to end streaming now, he noted that it was initially started in the early years of independence to tackle the high drop out rates and to ensure that students completed their secondary education.

He said: “If you look back, why did we have streaming in the first place? It was to make sure we can do the best by every child.”

Mr Teo recalled that, in his schooldays, half the children did not complete secondary school. Many in the army only completed their Primary 6 certification.

“It was even worse for the women, because … they gave up the opportunity to study so that their brothers could study. It is true for many of this generation in the 60s.”

Mr Teo pointed out that it was then Deputy Prime Minister Goh Keng Swee who helped to introduce streaming as an attempt to give children an opportunity to further their education.

“Now people are wondering why we called it Express and Normal stream. Normally people take five years to finish ‘O’ levels. If you finish in four years that’s quite fast. As a result of (streaming), something like 75 to 80 per cent of students were able to go to secondary school and complete it and go on to polytechnic. That was a huge advance.”

The Normal Technical stream was then introduced for the remaining 20 to 25 per cent, giving them a way to enter secondary school and progress on to post-secondary education in the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

He said: “This was a wonderful achievement. I don’t think there’s any other country in the world with such high graduation rates and low drop out rates from secondary school, and high rates of people going to post-secondary education.

“It keeps many of our students in school and out of trouble. They know they’re in secondary school, (they’re) motivated to study and know there’s a place for them beyond secondary school. They know they can earn, can study something that is relevant to help them find a good job and a place in society.”

Mr Teo also lauded the voluntary welfare organisations that helped individuals and students on the ground.

“This, in the end, is what will help make Singapore a better and stronger country because everyone knows they have opportunities and is cared for. They work hard, they do well, they can start their own home and have their own family.”

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