Monday, 23 Sep 2024

ST Engineering launches Women Support Group, raises $398,000 for President's Challenge

SINGAPORE – When Women  @  ST Engineering was set up in 2019, one of the first things it did was to renovate the rooms used by nursing mothers across all ST Engineering Hub premises.

Ms Stephanie Hung, 52, senior vice-president of Cloud Technology at ST Engineering and chairman of Women @ ST Engineering, said: “We wanted to focus on improving the hygiene, and designating conducive environments for nursing mothers.”

Women @ ST Engineering went on to facilitate mentorship, networking and knowledge sharing among the company’s female staff, who make up 20 per cent of its 15,000-strong workforce.

Another of its initiatives, the Women Support Group, was launched on Tuesday (Nov 9), with President Halimah Yacob gracing the event.

Aimed at promoting social, emotional and mental resilience among female employees, the initiative has started three support groups to help in these aspects – professional enrichment, health and wellness, and family caregiving.

They will provide the women with a platform to connect with and tap a professional network of advisers to share and address problems or issues as well as share coping skills and strategies.

Ms Hung, who has oversight on the Women Support Group, said: “Women have multi-faceted roles in society and are an essential part of our workforce that is critical to nation-building.”

Commending ST Engineering’s commitment to advancing women’s roles at the workplace, Madam Halimah said: “Engineering has been a predominantly male profession, so the effort of ST Engineering to cultivate and nurture the next generation of women leaders is an important signal.”

Aside from the Women Support Group, ST Engineering also launched ST Engineering Movement to promote employee physical, mental and social wellness through regular exercise.

ST Engineering’s chairman, Mr Kwa Chong Seng, presented Madam Halimah with a cheque of $398,000 for President’s Challenge 2021. Another $50,000 was donated to the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) in support of its Student Relief Fund  @ SIT (Covid-19).

The money was raised through ST Engineering Movement, whereby the company pledged a dollar for every kilometre clocked by employees who walked, ran or cycled from July 12 to Aug 8.

Over 3,300 employees took up the challenge and achieved 364,476km collectively, the equivalent of circling the earth nine times.

“This shared experience outside of work sparked spontaneous interactions across the group, drawing employees closer as we motivated one another to move more together. As a result, we were also able to raise more funds to help the vulnerable,” said group president and CEO Vincent Chong.

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