Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

New Active Ageing Centre in Chai Chee to support 1,500 elderly residents

SINGAPORE- Filos Community Services opened an Active Ageing Centre in Kembangan-Chai Chee on Friday (July 9).

Parliament Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin, adviser to Marine Parade GRC grass root organisations, attended the event.

Located at Block 55 Chai Chee Drive, the centre aims to provide social and health support for more than 1,500 elderly residents of the area.

It aims to serve as a gathering point for seniors to make friends and participate in active ageing programmes.

Befriending services will also be offered to provide social care and support for the vulnerable elderly in the area.

Additional care services through information and referral links will ensure that timely intervention is available for seniors who need it.

The centre will follow a population-based model, which means all seniors will have access to the services regardless of income level, housing type and frailty.

An estimated 21 per cent of Singapore’s population will be over the age of 65 by 2030.

The old age support ratio – the number of people capable of providing economic support to the number of elderly who may need it – will drop to 2.4 per cent from 4.4 per cent in 2017.

Mr Tan said at the event: “A lot of different efforts will be put out and active ageing centres will become common in our landscape.”

The new centre is at Filos Community Services’ second office.

Three years ago, it had opened the SG Cares Volunteer Centre in Bedok.

The Bedok centre has helped a total of 32,000 beneficiaries across nine constituencies, with the help of over 4,000 volunteers.

Filos Community Services chairman Allan Wong said: “We are committed to empowering individuals and building their resilience, as well as that of the community, as we work with our partners and friends in the kampung, to build stronger communities, together.”

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