Monday, 30 Sep 2024

'Heroic' nurses can be helped by technology: President Halimah

SINGAPORE – An “international superhero congress” is being held in Singapore.

That is what President Halimah Yacob nicknamed the International Council of Nurses (ICN) biennial congress which opened at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre on Thursday (June 27).

The “heroes” are the more than 5,000 nurses from around the world who are in the Republic for the 120-year-old ICN’s event.

Addressing the crowd of nurses, healthcare policymakers and professionals, Madam Halimah said nurses are the backbone of healthcare systems who play an important role in transforming healthcare.

In Singapore for example, nurses have been critical in shifting Singapore’s healthcare system to one more focused on health promotion and providing healthcare in community settings, said Madam Halimah.

“In a changing world marked by structural demographic shifts, ongoing healthcare system transformation and rapid technology advances, nurses deserve more than a pat on the back,” she said.

They must be supported when they rise to challenges and seize new opportunities, and there needs to be a commitment to nurture the nursing workforce, added Madam Halimah, who observed that nurses in many institutions still find much of their time consumed by administrative tasks.

More can be done, she said, urging healthcare and nursing leaders to encourage a “more pervasive use of technology” and to redesign work so nurses can focus their time and skills on their core nursing skills.

For example, effective patient monitoring and information recording devices can relieve the burden of nurses, and allow them to focus on their more critical tasks.

“Technology can be an enabler for nurses and nursing,” said Madam Halimah.

The five-day conference for nursing professionals will feature talks and presentations from healthcare policymakers and practitioners.

Associate Professor Lim Swee Hia, president of the Singapore Nurses Association, said the event is a rare opportunity for Singapore’s nurses to rub shoulders and learn from international counterparts from more than 130 countries.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Beyond Healthcare to Health”, and Prof Lim is particularly looking forward to learn more about how other countries are managing the healthcare needs of ageing populations.

In her speech, Madam Halimah also lauded the nurses for having the passion, resilience and stamina to carry out their roles.

She said: “Save one life, and you’re a hero. Save a hundred lives and you must be a nurse. It is an honour to be among so many heroes this evening.”

Source: Read Full Article

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