Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Four hurt in stabbing in Tokyo train: Media

TOKYO (AFP, REUTERS) – Four people were injured on Friday (Aug 6) in a stabbing attack on a train in Tokyo, with the suspect captured after fleeing the scene, local media said.

The reported attack comes with the capital on heightened security alert as it hosts the Olympic Games.

The attack took place on an evening commuter train in Tokyo’s Setagaya ward, in the west of the city, and two of those hurt sustained serious injuries, public broadcaster NHK said.

The site is several kilometres from the venue of Olympic equestrian events.

At about 2040 local time (7.40pm Singapore time), several people told police they had been stabbed while on a train on the Odakyu Odawara Line, Mainichi newspaper reported, citing unidentified police sources. 

What appeared to be a kitchen knife was left on the train, the Mainichi said.

The train company said on its website that it had suspended some services after “an assault in a carriage”.

Local station TBS said the man was captured after leaving the scene of the attack. There were no immediate details about the attacker or a motive.

Japan has strict gun laws, but there are occasional violent crimes involving other weapons.

In 2019, a man killed two people including a schoolgirl and wounded more than a dozen in a rampage that targeted children as they waited for a bus.

In 2018, a man was arrested in central Japan after stabbing one person to death and injuring two others aboard a bullet train.

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