Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Faulty grading of exams leads to 20 suicides

More than 20 students in one Indian state have committed suicide after faulty marking software graded them incorrectly.

Parents had demanded a review of results after more than one-third of students in Telangana state failed their two-year Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), which school leavers sit before entering higher education.

The state government has since announced that students who did not pass will be eligible for a free recount.

Parents correctly laid the blame with Globarena Technologies Private Limited, the company which provided software to the state government to process examination results but which has been found to have marked the admission tests inaccurately.

Admission into India’s top universities is among the most competitive in the world. Delhi University’s Shri Ram College of Commerce gets 28,000 applications for 400 places. As numbers applying are so high most colleges take students on their performance in the HSSC to make their admissions process simple.

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