Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Coronavirus: SAF, Home Team extend basic training suspension

SINGAPORE – The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Home Team have extended the suspension of basic training until June 1, in line with the Government’s circuit breaker measures to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Overall, about 8,550 trainees are affected by the suspension during the circuit breaker period, the Home Affairs and Defence ministries said in separate statements on Wednesday (April 22).

Both ministries said the suspension period will count towards the trainees’ full-time national service term, and training adjustments will be made to ensure their operationally ready dates will not be affected.

The operationally ready date refers to when national servicemen complete their full-time duties.

The trainees will continue to be eligible for NS allowance and medical benefits during the suspension, the ministries added.

The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) statement said that the 2,480 pre-enlistees who are due for enlistment next month will be administratively enlisted on their scheduled dates, but need not physically report for Basic Military Training.

They will stay at home until the BMT suspension is lifted, Mindef said.

The same applies to some 680 NSF trainees from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) who are also due to be enlisted next month.

The extended suspension will also apply to in-camp training and the Individual Physical Proficiency Test, Mindef added.

Both ministries said that essential training will continue to maintain operational readiness.

“Training critical for the build-up of operational units will continue,” Mindef said.

Servicemen performing critical functions, such as island defence, protection of key installations, maritime security, air defence and counter-terrorism operations will continue to be split into different groups, and reside in their camps and bases before and during their operational duty to reduce the risk of infection in the critical operational units, the ministry added.

The Home Affairs Ministry said the officer cadet training for SPF and SCDF NSF trainees as well as operationally essential in-camp training for operationally ready national servicemen will continue.

“Such training will continue with the strict implementation of enhanced precautionary measures such as safe distancing, staggered meal times, the donning of masks, and stringent cleaning of training equipment and common areas,” it added.

The Government on Tuesday said that Singapore will extend the circuit breaker until June and tighten its social distancing measures amid a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases.

Source: Read Full Article

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