Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Coronavirus: Can I visit my friend or boyfriend, can I travel overseas for work from June 2

When Singapore’s circuit breaker period ends on June 1, more businesses and activities will progressively be allowed to resume.

On Tuesday, the Government said the reopening will be done in three phases.

Phase one, from June 2, will last for at least four weeks as some restrictions are eased.

Phase two will last several months as even more measures are lifted. This will lead to phase three, which will be the “new normal” until a vaccine or treatment is found for Covid-19.

The Straits Times answers some questions about what you can do from June 2, when the first phase begins.

If you have a question about what you can do from June 2, you can e-mail us at [email protected].

Q Will more bank branches reopen?

A Standard Chartered plans to reopen eight branches that have been closed temporarily during the circuit breaker period.

DBS Bank and United Overseas Bank may gradually reopen additional branches over the course of phase one, in line with the gradual resumption of business activity.

OCBC Bank’s 22 temporarily closed branches will remain closed for now. Maybank also plans not to reopen its eight temporarily closed branches in phase one.

DBS, UOB and OCBC said that customers are encouraged to use digital banking services to safeguard their health. Currently, they have kept 28, 38 and 24 branches open, respectively. Standard Chartered and Maybank have kept eight and nine branches open, respectively.

Q Can I visit my friend or boyfriend?

A No. You are allowed to visit only your grandparents and parents if they are living elsewhere, or your parents-in-law and grandparents-in-law.

They can receive only up to two visitors once a day.

The visitors must also come from the same household.

Seniors should not leave their houses to visit family members as this will raise their risk of infection.

Siblings will also not be allowed to visit one another.

But there may be exceptions for seniors who do not have children, and appeals can be made to the Ministry of Health for siblings or nieces and nephews to visit them.

Q Can I visit my relative at the nursing home?

A No, visits to residential care homes, including nursing homes, will continue to be suspended.

This is because frail seniors living in residential care homes are most vulnerable and there is a need to keep the risk of bringing infection into the homes low. This restriction may be reviewed in phase two.

The Agency for Integrated Care will continue supporting homes to use phone or video calls for seniors to keep in touch with loved ones.

Q Can I travel overseas for work?

A No. The current advisory on travel will still apply until further announcements are made.

Singaporeans should continue to defer all travel abroad.

This will reduce the risk of Singaporeans being infected with the virus when abroad and spreading it to other Singaporeans when they return.

Any Singapore resident or long-term pass holder who leaves Singapore from March 27 in disregard of the prevailing travel advisories will be charged unsubsidised rates for their inpatient stay at public hospitals if they are admitted as suspected Covid-19 patients and have onset of symptoms within 14 days of returning to Singapore.

But Singapore is currently exploring the possibility of piloting fast-track immigration arrangements with a few countries assessed to be at equivalent or lower risk of community transmission as Singapore, to which essential travel in limited numbers and with safeguards could be conducted.

Such moves will be assessed and implemented separately from the timing of the three broad phases of reopening, as they are dependent on the volatile global situation.

Q Can I go for a staycation with my family at a hotel?

A No. Hotel staycations remain disallowed in phase one.

Many hotels are also still supporting the accommodation needs of healthcare workers, students and foreign workers affected by travel restrictions, among others.

Q Can I visit the columbarium or the cemetery?

A No. All government-managed columbaria, including Mandai Columbarium, will remain closed until further notice. Choa Chu Kang Cemetery will also remain closed.

All government-managed columbaria, including Mandai Columbarium (above), will remain closed until further notice. PHOTO: ST FILE

Q Can I go to the museum?

A No. For phase one, all arts facilities and venues, including museums, art galleries and all indoor and outdoor performance venues such as concert halls or black boxes, will remain closed.

Source: Read Full Article

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