Friday, 20 Sep 2024

COE prices end mixed as sales pressure continues to ease

SINGAPORE – Certificates of entitlement (COE) premiums ended mixed in the latest tender Wednesday on the back of a dwindling order bank and the lack of strong fresh buying interest.

COE prices for cars up to 1,600cc and 130bhp closed at $45,001, down from $47,821 a fortnight ago. Those for cars above 1,600cc or 130bhp finished at $56,100, up slightly from $56,032.

Prices for the Open COE, which can be used for any vehicle type except motorcycles, but which ends up mostly for bigger cars, ended at $57,700, down from $58,001.

Commercial vehicle COE premiums closed at $38,900, up from $37,000. Motorcycle premiums finished almost unchanged at $8,502, from $8,501 previously.

Meanwhile, a previous sales tactic to get shoppers to buy before a new emission penalty kicked in this month no longer applies.

And while there is some anticipation of a smaller COE supply in the next three-month quota period starting August, any shrinkage will be mitigated by the recycling of a sizeable batch of COEs which were renewed five years ago, and which expire this year.

Latest COE results:

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