Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

CNB arrests 2 men, seizes $73,000 worth of drugs in Sengkang bust

SINGAPORE – A Singaporean man was arrested on Tuesday (Feb 11) on suspicion of trafficking drugs worth about $73,000.

Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers arrested the 46-year-old in Rivervale Drive and subsequently found 440g of heroin, 116g of Ice, 4g of cannabis, 110 Erimin-5 tablets, 102 Ecstasy tablets and a bottle of methadone in his hideout in Compassvale Drive.

Another suspect, a Malaysian who was seen with the Singaporean suspect, was also arrested after CNB officers tailed and stopped his car in Rivervale Lane. About 267g of Ice wrapped in two black bundles were found in the car.

The CNB said in a press release on Wednesday that the heroin seized from the Singaporean man could feed 220 abusers for a week, while the 373g of Ice confiscated is enough for 220 users for a week.

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act, anyone found with more than 15g of diamorphine, or pure heroin, could face the death penalty.

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