Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

All playfields under SLA to close with immediate effect

SINGAPORE – All playfields under the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) have been closed with immediate effect as part of the nationwide measures to curb the spread of Covid-19, the agency said on Sunday (April 12).

The closures follow observations and feedback about congregations of people around the playfields, the SLA added in a statement.

Examples include those located at Tanjong Rhu, Jalan Tembusu, Loyang Avenue, Parry Avenue, Woodleigh Park and Strathmore Road.

Mr Lim Biow Chuan, MP for Mountbatten, posted on Facebook on Sunday that the SLA decided to close a field next to Pebble Bay condominium in Tanjong Rhu following reports that groups were found to be too close to each other.

“Sadly, there were many people who have been congregating around the open field… There is no social distancing among many of the groups,” said Mr Lim.

He told The Straits Times on Sunday that he had asked Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli for enforcement help after he received residents’ complaints about the congregations at the field.

“I was told that SLA decided to close the field. I have not been there yet. I’m staying home too,” he said.

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