Wednesday, 5 Mar 2025

$3k fine for woman who pulled maid's arm before daughter allegedly kicked victim multiple times

SINGAPORE – A mother-and-daughter pair pulled a maid’s arms to try to drag her out of a Housing Board flat after the Myanmar national said that she wanted to stop working for the daughter’s household.

The mother, Hai Yulan, also grabbed the maid’s shoulders when the latter resisted.

A district court heard on Friday (Dec 10) that Hai’s daughter, Bai Yihong, now 34, then rained blows on the maid.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Claire Poh said the victim cut her lips and bled when one of the tutor’s kicks caused her to hit a wheelchair nearby.

The 31-year-old maid, whose name has been redacted from court documents, later alerted the police.

Following the incident in November last year, she now experiences heart palpitations when she hears sudden noises.

Hai, now 57, was on Friday given the maximum fine of $3,000 after she pleaded guilty to one count of using criminal force on the maid.

Bai was earlier charged with multiple counts of assault and her case is still pending.

Both women are Chinese nationals.

DPP Poh said the maid, who was hired by Bai’s husband, started working in the family’s Hougang flat on Nov 17, 2019.

She added: “During the time of her employment, the victim was unhappy as Bai had hit her on various occasions.”

On Nov 5 last year, the maid had a stomachache and went to see a doctor.

Bai then told the helper to stay with Bai’s in-laws in another flat as she was afraid that her son would also fall sick. The maid complied.

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The next day, Hai and her daughter went to the in-laws’ flat to fetch the maid home.

DPP Poh told the court: “The victim refused (to return home) and informed Bai that she did not want to work for her anymore. Bai started to scold the victim and accused her of stealing items from the house.

“Bai added that if the victim claimed that Bai had hit her, she should call the police. The victim started crying.”

The maid said she wanted to call her agent. According to court documents, Bai then shouted at the victim, telling her to pack her belongings and “get lost”.

The maid, who did not budge, asked her agent to come and get her.

Bai then pulled the victim by her arm with the intention to drag her out of the flat, said the DPP.

She also said: “When the victim refused to move, Bai pulled the victim’s arm again… At this point, the accused joined Bai and pulled the other arm of the victim to drag her out of the (flat). The victim resisted.

“While at the door area, the accused grabbed the victim’s shoulders with the intent of pulling her out of the (flat). The victim continued to resist.”

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The court heard that Bai started raining blows on the maid as Hai crouched over the crying victim and tried to push Bai away.

The attack stopped after the victim started bleeding. Hai also tried to calm the maid down.

Another maid inside the flat called the agent, who arrived soon after and accompanied the victim to lodge a police report.

For using criminal force on a maid, an offender can be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $3,000.

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