Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Tell Us About Your Unexpected Pandemic Joys

The pandemic was awful. Almost everyone lost something — or someone. None of us can get back those long, scary months.

But the pandemic also made room for change, offering surprising and hopeful moments. Parents welcomed their adult children back for unexpected, joyful months. Toxic relationships ended. Jobs changed. Some of us got to complete projects that we never had time to work on before.

As the virus ebbs in some areas, we’re asking readers to look back on their pandemic experience for those positive outcomes. Tell us about your stories of silver linings using the form below.

We’ll feature some stories in future editions of the Coronavirus Briefing. If you’d like, you can sign up here to get it (free!) in your inbox every weekday evening.

What’s Your Pandemic ‘Silver Lining’?

These have been a traumatic, painful 15 months. But some have experienced moments of surprising joy. If you’d like to share, we’d love to hear.

Source: Read Full Article

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