Saturday, 18 Jan 2025

Opinion | What We’ve Learned From Trump’s Taxes

To the Editor:

Re “Trump Tax Figures Show a Decade of Huge Losses” (front page, May 8):

Thanks for continuing to investigate President Trump’s tax returns and working to compensate for his fearful refusal to share important information with the American people.

The details you have uncovered continue to demonstrate that his stated reasons for refusing to do what other candidates for president have accepted the need to do are not believable, and that his returns contain ample evidence of huge business failures, together with many practices and schemes for which, in my opinion, “suspect” is far too kind a word.

As you point out, there are a plethora of other issues, including the many years when he failed to pay any taxes.

In “5 Takeaways From 10 Years of Trump Tax Figures” (, May 8), you state that “year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer.” Mr. Trump rightly should have been the host of the reality TV show called “The Biggest Loser.”

If we don’t work successfully to prevent his re-election in 2020, though, that name will fit our whole country.

Mike Pierson

To the Editor:

Objective readers are again in debt to The Times for documenting the deception engaged in by the braggart and narcissist who resides in the White House. So much for the “stable genius” who is the master of “the art of the deal.”

It is not easy to lose such a vast sum of money, so it is reasonable to conclude that despite all that was provided to him by his father, Donald Trump frittered it away because he is in reality a business flop.

What is stunning is not the exposure of the emperor with no clothes, but that his loyal base will think nothing of the fact that he has been revealed to be a fraud.

I can hear it now: “Fake news from the failing New York Times.”

Oren M. Spiegler
South Strabane Township, Pa.

To the Editor:

Donald Trump’s losses were used as legitimate income tax deductions. The president was no different than other real estate developers and entrepreneurs who scrambled to stay afloat in a financial rough-and-tumble atmosphere 30 years ago during the recession.

It’s not clear how this tax information was obtained, but this article is not merely unbalanced, but also seeks to inflame with the obvious intention to provoke the duly elected chief executive. That, in turn, only pushes him to digress from focusing on his executive duties.

Robert A. Rubenfeld
New York
The writer is a real estate attorney.

To the Editor:

Congratulations on your bombshell article on Donald Trump’s taxes. This is something that many people in business thought was the case, but we didn’t have the background materials to prove it.

I would ask one major question: How did he obtain loans from Deutsche Bank after the earnings record that he amassed over those 10 years of tax returns? I spent 40 years in banking, and I can’t see a bank providing significant financing to the Trump empire without a guarantee from a formidable third-party guarantor, a cash account in the same amount with the bank or significant collateral. United States regulators would question loans to an entity with such a bad track record absent the above-mentioned.

Ian Reece
Long Beach, N.J.

Source: Read Full Article

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