Sunday, 19 Jan 2025

Opinion | U.S. Attack on Iran Averted … for Now

To the Editor:

Re “Trump Approves Strikes Against Iran but Delays Carrying Out the Attack” (front page, June 21):

Per his latest tweet, President Trump now says he called off an impending strike on Iranian targets because of a last-minute concern for the kill count (an estimated 150). Really?

This man with grave humanitarian concern? Have we not witnessed, by word and deed, his repeated disregard for the welfare of others around the globe, his depraved indifference no more stark than at our southern borders. His a compassionate heart? Never.

No, the truth is that Mr. Trump faces a dilemma of his own making by withdrawing from the nuclear deal without a breach by Iran and placing ever greater economic sanctions. He is now forced to deal with a possibility he has long argued vociferously against: putting this nation into yet another foreign conflict in the region.

Want to see the measure of this president? Stay tuned. But restraint motivated by concern for innocent Iranians? Give me a break.

Robert S. Nussbaum
Fort Lee, N.J.

To the Editor:

Although I am not a fan of President Trump, I do want to compliment him. His decision to call off an airstrike on Iran because 150 people might be killed indicates some appreciation for humanity. So, Mr. President, well done.

Marc Chafetz

To the Editor:

Policymakers and operators on both sides must stop escalating this conflict between the United States and Iran. Escalation becomes increasingly costly and deadly to both sides.

The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria clearly demonstrate that when military forces are used, many American lives and limbs are lost. Many more soldiers and civilians in those countries are killed and wounded. Cities and towns are destroyed. Millions of refugees live in misery and spill over borders. Terrorism increases. Military forces remain for many more years than expected. In addition, trillions of dollars are spent.

Engaging in another war in the region will leave the United States in a worse global strategic position. It will divert resources that are needed to meet challenges from Russia and China. The additional expenditures and debt will also reduce our ability to take care of our current and future domestic needs.

Diplomacy must be pursued.

Jeffrey S. Milstein
Burke, Va.
The writer served as a strategic planner and analyst in the State and Defense Departments and was an assistant professor of political science and international relations at Yale.

To the Editor:

With tensions rising between Iran and the United States, several members of Congress are leading the charge that the executive does not have authority to go to war with Iran, that diplomacy is the way. I urge Congress to remind the executive that only it has the constitutional authority to make the weighty decision to go to war, and to immediately pass legislation stating that the president must get its approval before launching an attack against Iran.

Nancy Bermon
Nyack, N.Y.

To the Editor:

All this posturing over the shooting down of a drone, which caused no loss of life, reminds me of when the United States Navy mistakenly shot down an Iranian civilian airliner in 1988, and 290 people died. Americans should remember that we are not perfect either, and we should not allow our own government to overreact to this minor provocation.

Roger Grange
Nyack, N.Y.

To the Editor:

Reporter, on Thursday: “Are you willing to go to war with Iran over this?”

Mr. Trump: “You’ll find out.”

Oh for the days when we were waiting to see who would get fired or which bachelorette would get the rose.

John A. Kern
Charlotte, Vt.

Source: Read Full Article

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