Wednesday, 15 Jan 2025

Opinion | The Qualities We Seek in a Candidate

To the Editor:

Re “Capitalism Needs Elizabeth Warren” (column, March 17):

Even as David Leonhardt praises Elizabeth Warren for championing bold and ambitious policy initiatives, he issues a caveat: “The nominee should be, and most likely will be, the candidate who best inspires voters. Maybe that will be Warren, or maybe it will be someone else.”

Position papers and problem-solving proposals ignite interest and admiration, but the ability to inspire poses a different challenge. Mario Cuomo, the former governor of New York, once noted: “You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.” I don’t hear a lot of “poetry” being spoken on the stump these days as Democratic rivals jockey for position in a crowded field.

All too often, their full-throated convictions stream forth in a torrent of words with no heed to well-paced rhetorical ebbs and flows. Our current president is bereft of both eloquence and wisdom and the saving grace of humor. The person who will unseat him must find his or her poetic voice while marshaling the common touch in pursuit of the common good.

Barbara Allen Kenney
Santa Fe, N.M.

To the Editor:

“Plan in Place, Biden’s Army Awaits Biden” (front page, March 8) refers to “Mr. Biden’s penchant for praising Republicans.”

I first met Joe Biden more than 46 years ago — after his election but before he was sworn in to the Senate — when I worked as an elevator operator in the Capitol. Mike Mansfield, then the Senate majority leader, was showing him around the Capitol. Mr. Mansfield gave Mr. Biden some advice: “It’s always appropriate to question another man’s judgment, but never appropriate to question his motives.” I believe that Mr. Biden took that advice to heart.

In those days — the early 1970s — I was astonished to see Republicans and Democrats publicly say harsh things about the other and then immediately afterward in private see them hugging one another and laughing. Legislation was passed.

Mr. Biden’s ability to reach across the aisle is the better way to behave. He should be praised, not criticized, for that behavior.

Marc Chafetz

To the Editor:

Re “Candidates Range From 37 to 77. Does Age Matter to Democrats?” (news article, March 17):

Age is relevant not just to a candidate’s image and therefore electability; it’s also relevant to his or her abilities in office.

Studies have shown that many cognitive skills peak in your 20s and 30s. Presidential track records correspond with these results. According to the latest Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, the three worst presidents are Trump, Buchanan and William Henry Harrison. The age of these presidents when they took office ranks them No. 1, 4 and 3 oldest respectively.

Yes, it’s true that age isn’t everything. Experience can make up for diminished cognitive abilities. But it seems unwise for Democrats to nominate Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders to serve in such an important and demanding position.

Michael Conklin
San Angelo, Tex.

To the Editor:

Re “Men Say Yes to a Woman on the Ticket” (news article, March 18):

It is with great anticipation that I wait for a member of the press to ask one of the female presidential primary candidates if she would consider a male running mate.

David Rollins

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