Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

Opinion | The ‘Horrendous’ Texas Law on Abortion

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To the Editor:

Re “Justices’ Slience Lets Texas Halt Most Abortions” (front page, Sept. 2):

The Supreme Court’s refusal to block the Texas law effectively banning abortions and deputizing private citizens to enforce the ban is an unprecedented intrusion into the constitutional rights of women. It is, as one justice noted, a stunning attack on the rule of law.

The Texas law encourages pro-lifers to become bounty hunters and spy on total strangers who may be desperate to get an abortion. This is creating a horrific environment that is scarily reminiscent of past tyrannical societies pitting one citizen against another because of their personal beliefs.

A majority of the Supreme Court has fallen prey to a dangerous surge to the right that threatens to trample on fundamental human rights.

Peter Alkalay
Scarsdale, N.Y.

To the Editor:

Excuse me, but aren’t these sanctimonious abortion police the very same people beating the drum for personal freedom of choice, including the choice to spread deadly Covid?

Helen Kelly
Erie, Colo.

To the Editor:

The self-righteousness of Texas legislators will inevitably be challenged after one of their family members or friends requires an abortion due to rape, incest, teenage pregnancy, a fetus with a severe defect or some other reason that’s legally accepted in other states.

Paul L. Newman
Merion Station, Pa.

To the Editor:

Congressional Democrats must use their current majority to codify Roe v. Wade at the national level and pre-empt state laws. The Texas abortion law shows that Republicans will use all of their power to crush civil rights even if it means completely undermining the foundation of U.S. civil law, which is that the party bringing suit must personally have been harmed or represent people who have been harmed by the defendant.

Democrats have the majority now, and so far it seems that they are unwilling to wake up and play hardball. Republicans will continue to roll back civil rights, and Democrats will make symbolic but meaningless gestures in opposition while allowing the Republican efforts to succeed. It’s far past time for Democrats to step up and fight for what they believe in.

Adam Colborn
Arlington, Va.

To the Editor:

Since Texas is allowing regular citizens to sue anyone aiding and abetting an abortion, then maybe it can also have a law that would allow Texans to sue people not wearing a mask or refusing to get vaccinated. After all, the legislators are against abortions because they feel it is murdering innocent children. Refusing to take the proper steps to avoid getting and giving to others the potentially deadly Covid-19 is along the same lines.

Linda Drum
Bradenton, Fla.

To the Editor:

It’s difficult to imagine this absurd, horrendous law will withstand, ultimately, Supreme Court scrutiny. If it does, then our system of justice is truly lost.

I’d urge every company to stop doing business with Texas if at all possible. I’d urge all people planning any kind of Texas travel to cancel those plans. I’d urge sane Texans to patronize only those businesses making it clear that they are against this usurpation of women’s rights. And, quite frankly, I’d urge people living in Texas to move to other states.

It is becoming painfully clear that we are two dramatically disparate countries living within the same borders. I no longer believe this can be fixed.

MacKenzie Allen
Santa Fe, N.M.

To the Editor:

If men could get pregnant, access to safe and legal abortion would be a given.

Ted Gallagher
New York

Keep the Focus on Domestic Dangers

To the Editor:

Bret Stephens encourages us to increase our role as the world’s policeman (“We Now Live in a ‘Broken Windows’ World,” column, Aug. 25). We have done this for many years now, but history has shown that eventually it results in failure and decline of “empire” and is detrimental to society in general. The costs of continuing such policing will have dire effects on our economy and quality of life.

The Assassination of Haiti’s President

    • An assassination strikes a troubled nation: The killing of President Jovenel Moïse on July 7 has rocked Haiti, stoking fear and confusion about the future. While there is much we do know about this event, there’s still much we don’t know.
    • A figure at the center of the plot: Questions are swirling over the arrest of Dr. Christian Emmanuel Sanon, 63, a doctor with ties to Florida described as playing a central role in the death of the president.
    • More suspects: Two Americans are among at least 20 people who have been detained thus far. Several of the people under investigation met in the months before the killing to discuss rebuilding the country once the president was out of power, Haitian police said.
    • Years of instability: The assassination of Mr. Moïse comes after years of instability in the country, which has long suffered lawlessness, violence and natural disasters.

    By far the greatest danger to our democracy and way of life that we profess to value is domestic in nature. On Jan. 6 we came just a hair’s breadth away from losing our democracy. White supremacists and other such organizations, along with the Republican Party, are continuing to lead an ongoing insurgency, hoping to install rule by a minority, which is anathema to democracy. Their attacks are physical, legislative and judicial. This is the main danger we face right now.

    Bruce Shames
    New York

    For Hunger Relief in Haiti

    To the Editor:

    Re “How to Escape the Cycle of Disaster and Mismanaged Aid in Haiti,” by Michèle Montas (Opinion guest essay, Aug. 23):

    Two programs that are essential for Haiti’s reconstruction are school meals and infant nutrition. But often these programs do not get enough funding, and some children miss out.

    We must make sure that every needy child in Haiti has access to these free meal programs. School meals encourage children to attend class while providing healthy meals. Take-home rations should be provided for when school is not in session. Feeding programs for infants combat deadly malnutrition and will be especially vital in the aftermath of the earthquake.

    The World Food Program, Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services, CARE and other groups need funding for relief in Haiti including these child-feeding initiatives.

    William Lambers
    The writer is an author who partnered with the United Nations World Food Program on the book “Ending World Hunger.”

    Source: Read Full Article

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