Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Opinion | The Democrats’ ‘Stop Sanders’ Movement

To the Editor:

Re “Sanders, Surging, Has Democrats Jittery (Again)” (front page, April 17):

I am a Democratic activist who is not supporting Bernie Sanders to be our nominee. In fact, I don’t think he should be running; he should instead be supporting the next generation of progressive candidates supporting his agenda.

However, the Democratic Party cannot afford a concentrated Stop Bernie movement by the party establishment. This will only further increase resentment among Sanders supporters and widen the split between them and the anti-Sanders forces, making strong unity around the eventual nominee less likely.

The large field of Democratic candidates will be winnowed during the nomination process. A positive campaign among these hopefuls can strengthen the eventual nominee. A campaign that opens schisms in the party does the opposite.

To beat President Trump, Democrats need a strong candidate and a united party.

Laurence G. Hirsch
South Orange, N.J.

To the Editor:

The wave of Democratic jitters as Bernie Sanders surges is not surprising. The current Democratic establishment wants to maintain control of the party. How far are they willing to go?

They speak darkly of the danger of moderates supporting an independent who could enable President Trump to eke out a victory if Mr. Sanders is the Democratic nominee. Is a statement like that simply a worry, or a prediction? Or possibly an actual threat? Are these rich liberals so concerned about keeping control of the party that they will risk losing if Mr. Sanders gets the nomination?

Mr. Sanders’s platform is not revolutionary. Universal medical coverage has majority support, according to polls. So does raising taxes on the rich. On issues of infrastructure, slowing global warming and the environment, Mr. Sanders is in step with the majority.

Other Democrats, like Senator Elizabeth Warren, are campaigning on very similar platforms. If the Democratic establishment tries to force a so-called moderate on the party, it would be supporting someone who does not represent either most Democrats or even most voters.

Peter B. Denison
Somerset, Mass.

Source: Read Full Article

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