Friday, 7 Mar 2025

Opinion | Strategy Tips for Democrats

Readers discuss whether to eliminate the filibuster, selling the Democratic agenda to the public, statehood for D.C. and more.

To the Editor:

Re “Democrats, Here’s How to Lose in 2022,” by Ezra Klein (Sunday Review, Jan. 24):

I have great respect for Mr. Klein, but can we end the circular firing squad? Reflection and keen self-awareness are critical to move forward effectively. But for goodness’ sake, can’t we approach constructive feedback in the mode of someone other than Chicken Little? Let’s be proud of our accomplishments, cleareyed about our failings and optimistic about our future.

How about: “Democrats: Here’s how to keep winning in 2022!”

John-Michael Maas
Maplewood, N.J.

To the Editor:

Ezra Klein writes, “Policy has to speak for itself and it has to speak clearly.” Policy doesn’t speak unless its benefits are not just visible, but communicated. It’s a lesson F.D.R. demonstrated with his fireside chats and one that President Obama came only too late to learn. You have to sell it!

That means doing the hard work of finding which elements of complex policy implementation can be described in succinct messages that resonate with specifically targeted groups of voters, and repeating and repeating them where they’ll be seen.

Mark Hochman
Lincoln, Mass.
The writer is a business and economics consultant.

To the Editor:

Ezra Klein hit the nail on the head with his prescription for the Democrats’ success during the Biden administration. Just as Barack Obama did upon assuming the presidency, President Biden is calling for unity and bipartisanship. He must not make the same mistake that Mr. Obama did, seeking cooperation and hoping for progress as time runs out on his control of both houses of Congress. The Republicans answered Mr. Obama’s call with six years of obstruction, capped by the ultimate indignity of ignoring a Supreme Court nomination.

Mr. Biden must offer Republicans the opportunity to demonstrate a new willingness to work cooperatively and to seek compromise in passing critical elements of his agenda. But, at the first signs of obstruction and stalling tactics, he must act swiftly and decisively, calling upon the Democratic majority to abolish the filibuster, so that it can pass significant elements of his agenda and demonstrate that it is capable of leading, that the American political system can actually work.

The filibuster, like the Electoral College, places the power in the hands of the minority. When that power is misused, it undermines the principles of our democracy. It, therefore, probably must go.

Herbert Goldstein
Monroe Township, N.J.

To the Editor:

Ezra Klein advocates eliminating the Senate’s filibuster to enable the Biden agenda to pass over Republican objections. Be careful what you wish for. Look what happened when the Democratic majority in 2013 eliminated the filibuster rule for federal judges, which Mitch McConnell extended to include Supreme Court justices in 2017. The result: About 30 percent of the federal judiciary, including three Supreme Court justices, are conservative Trump appointees, a number of whom were confirmed even though the American Bar Association found them to be unqualified.

Imagine what will happen to our laws without the filibuster the next time the Republicans gain control of the White House and both houses of Congress. Solution: Keep the filibuster rule (Joe Manchin won’t vote to eliminate it anyway), but require those who refuse cloture to actually stand on the floor of the Senate and speak for hours upon hours, which was necessary before the rule was changed in 1970. That will discourage filibusters on everything other than the most important issues.

Daniel E. Bacine

To the Editor:

Filibusters used to be rare, reserved for major fights, not used to obstruct everyday legislation. Why not build rareness into the rule itself. Rather than eliminating the filibuster entirely, limit the number of filibusters that will be allowed per year. Two or three ought to be sufficient, if the Senate can’t manage with none. Adopt a filibuster rule that forces senators to decide what’s important to them and their constituents. Not every issue demands total war.

Stephen D. Froikin

To the Editor:

I rarely agree with Mitch McConnell on anything, but his 2013 prediction that Democrats would rue the day they ended the filibuster for judges came true, as Mr. McConnell’s Senate approved over 200 conservative Trump judicial nominations plus three contentious, ultraconservative Supreme Court justices.

Source: Read Full Article

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