Sunday, 12 Jan 2025

Opinion | Governor Northam and the Racist Yearbook Photo

To the Editor:

Re “Governor Defies Pleas to Resign for Racist Photo” (front page, Feb. 3):

Let’s not be so quick to condemn Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia solely on the basis of an image from 35 years ago. To do so is to deny that an individual can change and grow. There is nothing in his adult history to indicate he is anything but an ardent supporter of the civil rights of African-Americans.

Let’s be fair. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi sailed to election past a remark that she would eagerly accept an invitation to a public lynching and a photo of her wearing a Confederate hat. Representative Steve King of Iowa, a blatant racist, is not widely being pressed to resign.

Democratic presidential contenders and pundits seem to be taking the safe, popular position that Governor Northam should resign rather the taking a thoughtful, courageous position.

Let’s not go after the friends of civil rights; let’s go after the real enemies.

Patricia Richardi
New York

To the Editor:

Like many, I believe that Gov. Ralph Northam needs to step down — the sooner the better.

Similarly, so should Representative Steve King, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and President Trump, to name a few. The outrage about this Northam matter on the part of the Republicans is so glaringly hypocritical. He (like Al Franken) will leave, and Republicans will continue to enable their own to escape similar scrutiny and action to remove them from office for their own despicable behavior.

Jane Carlin
Stamford, Conn.

To the Editor:

Gov. Ralph Northam lacks any credibility. First, he apologized for being either the Klansman figure or the student in blackface shown on his Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook page. Then he claimed upon closer examination that he was neither.

Mr. Northam went on to say he never purchased or viewed his graduation yearbook until this issue came to light several days ago. Is it credible to believe that no classmate ever brought his yearbook page photo to his attention?

If Mr. Northam were a Republican, he would have been political roadkill and would have already resigned. Let us see if Democrats practice what they preach.

Larry Penner
Great Neck, N.Y.

To the Editor:

Why would a professional school allow such pictures to be posted in the yearbook representing its graduates?

Roy D. Wasson

To the Editor:

I am a lifelong Democrat but I am this close (picture two fingers the width of a human hair apart) to leaving the party. Gov. Ralph Northam made mistakes both in his past and recently in his awkward response to the uproar over the picture. But his ability to lead and govern would not be in question if fellow Democrats had his back. When did we, as a party, stop forgiving the mistakes of our youth?

By all accounts Governor Northam isn’t the same person he was in school. Like me and so many of us he appears to have learned from his mistakes and is a better person for it. God forbid I ever run for office because I’m certain there is a photograph or letter somewhere showing me acting in ways that would make me cringe today.

Patricia McLain
Olympia, Wash.

Source: Read Full Article

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