Saturday, 18 Jan 2025

Opinion | Governor Abbott’s Selfish Version of Freedom

More from our inbox:

To the Editor:

Re “Texas’ Abbott, an Opponent of Mandates, Tests Positive” (news article, Aug. 18):

So, let me get this straight. Gov. Greg Abbott’s version of freedom plays out like this. Take advantage of all of the available protections for yourself, including those you have access to because you are in a position of power and privilege — daily testing, vaccines plus a booster, treatment with monoclonal antibodies, access to premier health care — while doing nothing to protect your constituents from the disease.

This isn’t freedom; it’s institutionalized selfishness and irresponsibility. Shame on you, Governor, and I hope the people of Texas realize they deserve better.

Lisa Zeitz
New York

The Post-9/11 Era Isn’t Over

To the Editor:

Re “Post-9/11 Era Ends Painfully, for America and Afghanistan” (news analysis, front page, Aug. 18):

The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan may illustrate the failure of the U.S. response to the 9/11 attacks, but the post-9/11 era has hardly ended.

It is not over for the thousands of Afghans whose lives were destroyed by 20 years of violence and war, and whose future seems increasingly grim.

Nor is it over for many U.S. service members who sacrificed greatly in Afghanistan, or for their families.

It is also not over for the prisoners who continue to languish without charge or trial at Guantánamo, and those who have suffered U.S. torture and abuse in the “global war on terror.”

It is certainly not over for the 9/11 victims and families, who have been denied any justice for the murder of their loved ones.

President Biden may wish to move beyond the post-9/11 era, but we have a long way still to go. We must look backward before we can move forward.

Wells Dixon
New York
The writer is a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights.

A California Dream Gone South

To the Editor:

Re “Lovely Weather Defined California,” by Farhad Manjoo (column, Aug. 12):

After a few years in California, I learned that the four seasons are earthquake, mudslide, drought and Santa Ana winds.

John Dienes
Bellevue, Wash.

Source: Read Full Article

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