Monday, 1 Jul 2024

Opinion | As Bloomberg Enters the Democratic Race

To the Editor:

Re “In Muted Campaign Kickoff, Bloomberg Shows How Money Talks” (news article, Nov. 26):

A message to Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg: Instead of pursuing your personal quest to be president, why don’t you do something truly useful and indeed heroic? Commit the time and money you would have spent on the campaign instead working to oust Donald Trump from the White House and secure a Senate majority for Democrats.

Work together, form an organization and use your combined wealth to save our democracy.

Karin Kramer Baldwin
Petaluma, Calif.

To the Editor:

Re “Bloomberg Hits Democratic Presidential Race Running to the Center” (news article, Nov. 25):

I believe that Michael Bloomberg may appeal to potential crossover Republicans. As a lifelong Republican I find that our current president represents very few of my long-held beliefs. There are many Republicans around the country with the same view. Whether it is immigration, climate change or income inequality, we want solutions that are fair and humane. The current president will not provide this.

On the Democratic side, plans presented by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are much too far to the left for voters like me to support. Mr. Bloomberg, a former Republican, will hopefully present a middle ground that both Republicans and Democrats can support.

John T. Shea
Rumson, N.J.

To the Editor:

Re “Obama Urges Democrats to Place More of a Focus on Defeating Trump” (news article, Nov. 22):

When Democrats try to look less “left” by choosing a centrist candidate, they are making the mistake they always make — playing it “safe” in their view. “Safe” will not win this election. To win they will need lots of people to go door to door, to show enthusiastic support of the Democrats, to get others out to vote.

There are the usual Dems who will vote for Joe Biden, but the only candidates running who can increase the turnout of everyone else are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, regardless of their health plans.

Maxine Wolfe

To the Editor:

Re “Biden Is Lagging in Iowa, and for Some Supporters, the Thrill Is Gone” (news article, Nov. 25):

Of course Joe Biden is slipping in the polls — thanks to the smear campaign against him and his son by President Trump’s lackeys, liars and crooks.

And support for the impeachment of Mr. Trump remains flat in the polls, despite the overwhelming facts and evidence against him — thanks to the Trump-Republican-Fox Noise propaganda machine.

The battle for truth and democracy is far from over. America has what some have termed “truth decay.” We need a good dentist in the White House.

Anthony J. DiStefano
Aiken, S.C.

Source: Read Full Article

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