Thursday, 3 Oct 2024

Letters to the Editor: 'Perjurers must pay serious penalty for lying in court'

I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears at the news that this little country is thinking of taking the matter of perjury seriously.

More or less since the birth of the Republic, people have been putting their hands on Bibles while swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And then quite a lot of them would proceed to tell lie after lie – these people, by the way, would sometimes be defendants and sometimes plaintiffs.

Witnesses would always be told how serious the oath was. Nevertheless, lie after lie would roll out – despite reminders they were under oath. Sometimes when reading reports from the courts, I would wonder if I was reading plots from some of the soaps.

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The news that some TDs are going to change all this and penalise liars severely by imposing fines and/or jail sentences is welcome.

Unfortunately, it is really only a reminder that an election is on the way. But, one way or another, the law concerning perjury has been ignored for too long; anybody found to be telling lies in the courts must be made to suffer the consequences.

RJ Hanly

Screen, Co Wexford

Separated and single fathers deserve justice in eyes of law

I hope the current awakening of our social consciences may well act as the catalyst to instil change in our justice system so separated and single fathers can enjoy court-granted access to see their children, rather than the present symbolic law that does not penalise the blocking of such access by the other parent.

The Pride flag knows what hurt was and can be. Separated and single fathers know what hurt is. Please, in your conscience, don’t forget them. We need change.

John Geraghty

Newcastle, Co Wicklow

EU missed chance to take drama out of Brexit crisis

After the UK’s Conservative Party elects its new leader and forms a government, the two seemingly irreconcilable positions of the UK and the EU will present themselves: the one possibly leaving the EU without a deal on October 31, the other accepting the current exit deal with its unpalatable backstop.

A creative political solution is required, even if that means ‘kicking the can down the road’.

It was unfortunate the EU refused to commence negotiations on the free trade agreement at the same time as the exit deal. An opportunity of bringing certainty to a future relationship, as a free trade deal emerged, was lost.

This in turn could have ‘dedramatised’ the backstop. However a process to reconcile the two positions might still be possible if the exit deal is suspended for an agreed period.

The proposal is the UK would leave the EU on October 31 and go into a temporary customs union for two years, during which there would be trade negotiations. At the end of this period, when the likelihood of a free trade agreement can be assessed, the exit deal would come into effect if the negotiations are to continue, otherwise the UK would leave the process without a deal and without a trade agreement.

This ensures the UK leaves the EU on time, the exit deal is not reopened, and the possibility of a hard Border is reduced.

The intervening period provides time to explore and pilot possible technologies that eliminate the need for a physical border, for the UK to make its contribution to the EU budget from outside and probably for a new parliament in Westminster to finally vote the exit deal into British law in a more constructive political climate.

Michael Gannon

Upper Churchtown, Dublin 14

Government’s hot air on emissions are flight of fancy

I’m looking forward to the day when the Taoiseach and his ministers will be heading to meetings in Brussels and further afield in the Government glider, as their Lear jet is grounded because its high fuel emissions have failed the climate change strategy test.

John Finegan

Bailieborough, Co Cavan

Surely it takes two to bring ‘discredit’ on An Garda?

Just wondering… What were the consequences for the male garda who brought “discredit” on the force by having sex outside marriage?

Áine Lavello

Dublin 8

Free electric cars for all would be the best medicine

I hope, just like the iodine tablets, the Government plans to send an electric car free of charge to every house in the country.

It’s about the only way it will ever reach its targets.

Seamus McLoughlin

Keshcarrigan, Co Leitrim

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