Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Letters to the Editor: 'Lisa Smith and her daughter should be welcomed home'

Are we being hypocrites when it comes to one of our own, Lisa Smith, and her child?

We had a National Day of Commemoration on Sunday, July 14, for all Irish men and women who died in all wars. We did not differentiate what war, what side they fought for or the reasons they went to war.

Why now be selective towards a fellow citizen who ended up in a war zone and who wishes to return home with her child?

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One hundred years ago we had the War of Independence, then a Civil War, and survivors learned to live in harmony here.

We had Irish fight on both sides in the Spanish Civil War and there was no objection to the return of survivors (as Fine Gael should know).

We had Irish fight in World War II. We have had the Troubles and now the Peace Process.

We have had people from other countries living here who as conscripts or volunteers fought in wars in their own land, and no remarks.

I say welcome home Lisa and your child, you have suffered enough.

As the Nazarene taught us, think before you throw the stone.

Paddy Murray

Co Westmeath

If Johnson joined Trump, it would at least spare us pain

We have heard that Boris Johnson, while in office as UK foreign secretary, called the French “turds” and asked if Angela Merkel had served in the East German Stasi. And we hear now that he has asked why Leo Varadkar isn’t called Murphy, like all the rest of “them”.

This is no joke. This is the person who appears to be the Tory Party’s best choice for prime minister. Mr Johnson, like Mr Trump, will look askance at any suggestion he is a racist. Although I would feel for the US, perhaps a short-term answer for us would be for Boris to regain his American citizenship and, as a vice-presidential candidate, be part of a dream team with Donald Trump in the next election.

Harry Charalambou

Muswell Hill, UK

Post-Brexit break-up of the UK would not be a disaster

I found reading Alison Hackett’s letter (Irish Independent, July 20) most informative and interesting. Britain’s subjugation of the Emerald Island was far more petty and nasty than I realised. While I want either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt to deliver Brexit asap, I have no objection to a second referendum beforehand. However, there must be no hard Border whatsoever.

If Brexit does occur, Ireland should press for reunification. As an English Protestant, I envy Ireland having an elected president instead of an hereditary monarch. Brexit could well herald the break-up of the UK insofar as Scotland and Northern Ireland voted Remain. Far from being a disaster, it could well lead to the independent republics of Scotland, Wales and England, and the reunification of Ireland.

Ireland would emerge as a stronger and free nation, just as those martyrs whom Britain shamefully murdered, or so-called ‘executed’, in 1916 envisioned.

Dominic Shelmerdine

London, UK

Some can’t see the wood for the trees on public transport

Those opposed to Bus Connects proclaim its particular area of the capital is ‘a community, not a corridor’. The reality is clearly otherwise: the areas in question may or may not constitute communities in the accepted sense but they most certainly are corridors used twice daily by bumper-to-bumper slow moving and polluting traffic.

Proposals to enhance public transport provision are also called into question by the threat allegedly posed to trees along the way. In this respect a sense of perspective is urgently needed. It is understandable a relatively small number of residents should seek to retain, untouched, their privileged sylvan enclaves. For reasons related to the common good, this is not a viable option.

Séamas Ó Braonáin

Dublin 6W

May alone can’t be blamed for all Britain’s problems

Theresa May leaves behind a bitter legacy. Hardly a day passes by without hearing news of knife stabbings, the Brexit farce, the mendacious scheme of universal credit, homelessness, curtailment of legal aid and social welfare, etc. But it is unfair to put the whole blame at her doorstep. She acted within a climate of political partisanship that values money more than principles. And if there were not enough problems at home, the escalating tensions in the Gulf are added to a litany of global challenges that define our 21st century. Time for the UK to assume the mantle of moral authority and political astuteness and leadership.

Dr Munjed Farid Al Qutob


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