Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Alex Trebek announces return to ‘Jeopardy!’: ‘It’s going to be a good year’

Alex Trebek has some good news — he’ll be returning for the next season of Jeopardy! after officially completing chemotherapy.

The veteran game show host was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in March and underwent a lot of treatment to get to where he is now.

It’s an illness with a grim prognosis and an approximately nine per cent survival rate, but Trebek seems to be doing well.

In a video, he shared the happy news: “It’s another day at the office, and an exciting day because so many great things have been happening.”

“I’ve gone through a lot of chemotherapy,” the 79-year-old said. “Thankfully, that is now over. I’m on the mend and that’s all I can hope for right now.”

The popular trivia show’s 36th season is set to air on Sept. 9, and Trebek will be once again taking to his podium.

“We have some exciting things coming up and I can’t wait to share them with all of you,” he continued in the video. “Let me tell you, it’s going to be a good year.”

In honour of the beloved TV personality, Jeopardy! champion James Holzhauer donated $1,109.14 to a Naperville, Ill. pancreatic cancer walk in Trebek’s name.

The monetary amount represents the birth date of Holzhauer’s daughter, who originally gave Trebek a card after finding out about his diagnosis.

On the donation website, the champion wrote: “For Alex Trebek and all the other survivors.”

Two months after receiving the devastating diagnosis in March, Trebek sat down with Good Morning America for his first interview since the cancer reveal.

“People all over America have been sharing their good thoughts, their advice, their prayers and I feel it’s been making a difference in my well being,” Trebek said. “I’ve had so many contacts from people who have survived cancer for 10 years, 12 years, 14 years. I am now a 30-day cancer survivor. I’m going to catch up to those other people. But they have been an inspiration to me.”

He explained that he’s feeling a lot of different emotions that he’s not used to experiencing.

“Chemo affects people in different ways, and people have to understand that,” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with saying, ‘Hey, I’m really depressed today and have no idea why. Why am I crying today?’”

In May, the host said his doctors told him he’s in “near remission” and has been responding very well to chemotherapy.

—With files from Katie Scott

[email protected]

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